February 7, 2025

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

Probably YouNow, they can all talk to me in my broadcasts

How often do you post on your social media accounts? What do you think is the right amount of times a day to post a picture on instagram or a tweet on twitter?

I usually post once a day on Twitter and Instagram, but I post multiple times a day on my Snapchat

Do you have a favorite instagram filter?

Not really haha just what looks best for a specific picture

Have you come up with a fan base name yet?

No, but I’ve been told by my supporters that if I did come up with one, that it would be the “yo-yo’s”

You have a massive following on musical.ly – over 25K followers. How did you gain such a huge following on this app? And Can you explain how you make a perfect musical.ly?

I got features a while back and got a lot off of that, and I post daily under trendy tags and just have fun doing them:)

Whats your favorite song to do a musical.ly too right now?

All my friends by Jacob Sartorius definitely

Whats your favorite song at the moment?

Closer by the chainsmokers is my fav at the moment

Can we expect a lot more video content up soon on your youtube channel?

I’m not sure, it’s hard being a younower, YouTube and doing school, I’m going to stick to younow because YouTube takes a lot of time and commitment alongside being a younower, definitely in the future

How often do you YouNow?

Once a day, or twice a day on the weekends

What are some things you do during your YouNows?

I like to play kahoots and engage with my supporters

Since you are only 16, How do you manage school with your busy schedule?

It’s tough you just need to find a balance between school and social media

What makes you want to do better in your social media career? Who has influenced you to work hard?

Just seeing my supporters happy when I go live motivates me. I would say my parents motivated me to work hard, they have always taught me to not quit and stay committed to anything.

Are you going to stick with social media as a career?

I would love to, but you never know what’s going to happen, I just go day-to-day and have fun

Whats it like having Brian as a manager since he has worked with the best of the best?

It’s awesome! He has helped me so much and I can’t thank him enough

Whats your friends and parents thoughts on your career in social media?

They were confused at first, but they understand it now

Are there any projects in the works you can tell me about?

Not at the moment, no

How do you spend most of your free time?

Broadcasting or hanging out with my hometown friends

What did you want to be when you where younger?

A firefighter

What do you have that you cannot live without?

My phone, phone charger, and an outlet

What social media star has influenced you the most? – Cameron Dallas, Tyler Oakley, etc.

I would have to say Roman Atwood, he always motivated me to be happy through the rough times

What’s an average day for “Brett” look like?

Waking up, picking out a fresh outfit, procrastinating about homework, going live, and hanging out with friends

What impact do you want to leave in the world?

To teach people to be positive, when your at your worst

What do you hope to gain out of this whole experience as a social media star?

By making someone’s day more enjoyable by just making people laugh or have a positive moment in their day

If your life was a movie, what would be the title?

Just having fun

Who would you want to play you?

Not sure haha

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

I’m not quite sure at this point in my life

Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?

In college, or something social media wise

Last thing, Do you have anything you went to tell your fans?

You guys are the best! I wouldn’t be able to do this with out you guys

If You Enjoyed the Interviews, Follow YoThatsBrett On All His Socials:

YouNow: https://www.younow.com/yothatsbrett

Twitter: https://twitter.com/yothatsbrett

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yothatsbrett/

Snapchat:  @yothatsbrett24

