July 26, 2024

Hi Kori! Welcome to Teen Music Insider. You have been super busy… what inspired you to pursue acting, modeling, dancing, tumbling, podcast hosting, and entrepreneurship at such a young age?
My Mom and favorite actors.

Can you share a memorable experience from your journey in the entertainment industry so far?
Being the star of a movie and on the movie cover.

We read that Zendaya is your favorite Hollywood actress. How has she influenced or inspired your own aspirations in the world of acting?
Her speech about pushing yourself is amazing and inspired me to keep going.

You have mentioned Nicole Wilson as a business role model. In what ways do you see yourself becoming a successful businesswoman like her?
Working for myself, depending on no one else and giving back to my community.

We learned that Denise Mone’t has played a significant role in your career. How has her guidance and the opportunities she created impacted your growth as an artist?
Denise is an amazing actress, producer, and director, of course, I would also look up to her. I have learned so much in front and behind the camera.

Winning the “Best Kid Actress” at the Palms International Film Festival is an incredible achievement. Can you tell us about the project that earned you this recognition?
Working hard on this short film that got me here was “Wednesday’s Child”. I was a foster kid who was getting abused by her father. I had to really dig deep into the emotions of this character.

Congratulations on being nominated for two Young Artist Academy Awards, that is so impressive. How did those nominations contribute to your motivation and goals?
By motivating myself that I can do anything I put my mind to and setting goals, and expectations for myself.

You are on fire right now winning the Young Trail Blazer of the Year 2023 by Broadcast Houston Magazine, a remarkable accomplishment. What does this recognition mean to you?
It meant a lot and I worked hard to get here. I realized I have the talent to keep going and
pursuing my dreams.

Writing your own movie is a unique endeavor. Can you give us a sneak peek into the storyline or themes you are exploring in your upcoming movie?
It’s about my dance school drama and being bullied.

Hosting your own podcast on Iconix Radio Kids is exciting. How do you approach your role as a podcast host, and what topics do you enjoy discussing on your show?
Getting to know my guests so I have a pre interview before filming to get to know them better and make them comfortable. Learning about what they do and how they got started.

How can people follow your journey?

I am on Instagram as Instagram

