Hey Sarah!! So excited to be chatting with you!! You are definitely a triple threat, you’re a singer, an actress, and an influencer. What inspired you to pursue all these amazing things?
I love doing all of them and these days, those worlds tend to intersect. Most of my friends have so much talent, they sing, dance, influence and act, so we’re all doing it all!
How would you describe your musical style as an artist?
I’ve released an original rap song which was kind of fun, but now I’m looking to go a little more like Billie Eilish, because she is her own genre!
What artists do you look up to right now?
I look up to Billie Eilish so much. She is amazing in every way. I love Lil Peep too, so talented and such great music.
How excited are you to be releasing your own original music?
I’m so excited! I can’t believe it’s all happening and I’m so lucky to be around people who can help me make it happen. People don’t realize how much work it is. It’s not just writing a good song. To bring it to life is such a long journey.
Any fun things in the works for your music career?
Two original songs that I’m working on and me and Corinne Joy are releasing a cover of Selena Gomez’s song Boyfriend. The video has a bunch of our friends in it so we’re excited to get it out there.
You have also made a name for yourself in the social media world. What led you to pursue a career on social media?
I had a good friend who was an influencer and she and I started doing videos together. I barely knew what being a social media influencer was but some of our videos went viral and all of a sudden I had a following. I then started to work at it and ended up with a bigger following and some amazing influencer friends!
What’s your favorite social media platform?
Right now I would say Instagram, but it changes. Sometimes I prefer TikTok and other times I prefer YouTube. It really depends on the project I’m working on.
Do you look up to anyone in the social media world?
I have a few friends that are really really funny and have worked so hard. For example, Cristian Dennis is amazing, Tyshon Lawrence and Joewoahy. If you’re not following them, look them up and follow!
Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists today?
It’s critical to getting your voice out, whether that’s your singing, music, passions or opinions. There is almost no other way to do it as a new artist.
What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?
They are so kind and positive. I used to get hate and in the past 10 months I’ve gotten almost none. The fans are so sweet and accepting.
What are three words you would use to describe your fans?
Supporting, encouraging and patient (because they know I can’t respond to every comment)
What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?
I want the fans to know it’s ok not to be perfect. I try to make fun of some of the features that people bully me about (um, can you say “ears”?) so they know that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks! I want them to know just to love themselves.
What’s something your fans don’t know about you?
I live on a ranch and we run a rescue for llamas and alpacas. I’m also a vegetarian because I love animals.
What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?
Freedom. Their support allows me to have the freedom to pursue my dreams and I thank them so much for that!
What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?
That they are completely welcome to say hello and talk to me. I can tell when people want to come up to me but they are too shy, but it’s OK!
You started acting at a very young age as well. What actor/actress are you influenced by?
I love Melissa McCarthy. She is just hilarious and so likable.
What’s been your favorite role to play and why?
We have a web series called Sisters (it’s on Tyshon Lawrence’s YouTube channel) and I play the little sister of Cristian Dennis and Tyshon Lawrence. That’s my favorite role by far. If you haven’t seen the series (we have two webisodes so far), check them out. They are very funny!
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Yes, I am going to be in a movie called The Girl on the Mountain (#TGOTM). We are shooting it in September and I’m scared but so excited for it. It’s my first big movie role.
What are your friends and parents’ thoughts on your career in singing and acting?
Well most of my friends do the same thing so of course they are super supportive! And my parents think it’s great as well. Both of them help shoot videos and help with my music.
Overall, how has this whole acting, singing, and social media career experience been for you?
I’ve had a few rough patches, mostly over lost friendships, but other than that it’s been great. It’s a lot of work so anyone thinking about giving it a try should know that. There is so much that goes into creating content that people want to see.
Do you have any other talents other than singing and acting?
I’m a good listener, does that count?
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
Calm, crazy, supportive, aloof and loyal
Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?
Thank you for supporting me and all the influencers that are out here working so hard to entertain all of you! We love you all so much.
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview!