September 18, 2024

Hey Gracie!! So excited to be chatting with you about your new single “3 Minutes”!! Can you tell us what this song means to you?

Hey ya’ll! So happy to be chatting with you too, this song is my most passionate song that I have. The meaning behind the song and while writing it. I wrote it based off of women in country music. It’s about what I’ve seen happening with females in the country music industry and wanting to change it. For some reason there is this bubble in the country industry that fans/listeners don’t want to listen to females on the radio. So this song is all about changing the conversation and changing the way the radio industry sees us so that it’s an equal playing field. Not just in radio either but in music awards and in women empowerment all around.

What’s been your reaction to the fans anticipation for your new single?

Honestly it’s better than I expected. The song is pretty different compared to my other singles and my EP that I put out prior to releasing. What the song is about, the melody, and the instrumental behind it. So I think my listeners were excited to hear the difference in my music. I gained many new friends as well with this song 🙂

How excited are you to get this single out into the world?

SO excited. I have had this song recorded for about a year, I was waiting for the right time to come and it ended up being so great. You can never predict what’s going on in the world and as crazy as 2020 is and with all the change that is happening this was the perfect time to release it.

Where did your love of music come from?

Just from growing up in a house that loved country music and would play it all the time in the car and at home I feel in love with the songwriting and how tender it was. It inspired me to want to create my own music and perform like my country heroes were.

Do you have any other release plans for 2020?

So far I am just focusing on new things with “3 Minutes,” not new songs yet. Just because it’s already out doesn’t mean I have more up my sleeve 😉

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new music?

I hope they grow with me as I learn and grow as an artist. I’m not forcing anyone to listen to my music, I truly want to find genuine fans who like me for who I am too. So hopefully they support me all the way 🙂

How do you want your relationship to be like with your supporters?

Loving, kind, and respectful. No matter what.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

I used to be in a duo with one of my sister’s. We were called Two Thirds (because I’m a tripet).

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

Please come up and say hi to me. I never know who listens to my music so if you do, tell me!!

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?


What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

No matter what kind of show I put on or am at, I want to connect to the audience. I want every person to feel like the song I’m playing or the song I wrote is for them. Whether the song is about a relationship you connect to, it’s a story about your life, or you connect to it because you want to write like that I want you to know that I’m singing that song because of you and I am at that venue or show because of you. So take all my songs, and connect with them.

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

Song mom, Nicolle Gaylon. Beautiful.

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself?

It’s definitely a way to be real with and to get in touch with you fans. You can find new fans, find new friends, find new ways to get connected with other people in the business. As hard as social media is, it’s so important to be on it.

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

Right now, I do have many big dreams and goals like most artists do but my goal now is to play at the listening room with the lovely ladies of the Song Suffragettes.

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Just a big thank you and God bless you. Supporters to artists are the dream that we all wanted when we were kids and they just make everything possible. So thank you so much. It was such a pleasure talking with you all 🙂

