July 26, 2024

Hey Ronnie! So excited to be chatting with you! You just released your new video for “Sad Summer” & it’s awesome! What do you hope your supporters will think of the new video?

Hey! Thank you! Geez I hope they like it! It was really fun to make. My friends and I went to our local grocery store, connected a GoPro to a grocery cart, and danced around. I don’t know how much the fellow shoppers enjoyed it but we had a great time making it! Ollie Rillands edited it all together and turned into something so sick that really captured the energy of such a fun afternoon.

Can you tell us the backstory of this video? How did you come up with the idea for this video?

COVID-19 actually inspired the music video for Sad Summer. Ever since the virus hit, there’s a noticeable change in grocery stores. It’s kind of sad and everyone’s trying their best to avoid each other – when they used to be a place where you would bump into people and waste your time. The idea behind the music video is that we turned a depressing grocery store into a fun one, just by dancing and making the most of a sad summer.

You also just announced that your debut EP is coming out soon!! Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward to from this EP?!?

Yes, I can’t wait for everyone to hear it!! There’s something for everyone on this EP. The songs range from “Famous In California” vibes to “Break Your Heart” vibes (even though those two songs aren’t on it!), as well as new sounds you haven’t heard from me yet. There’s lots of new music on it! You can dance to it, cry to it, and everything in between. I hope people like it as much as I do.

Do you have a creative say in your music? Did you help write all your new songs?

100%! I write all my songs myself either on guitar or piano. Having creative control is something that’s really important to me. These words needed to come from me, I want my songs to be as genuine as possible. We ended up sending a bunch of songs to Harper James, who produced the songs with me and was so good to work with – I feel like we both left a piece of our hearts in all of these songs. He’s an amazing person to collaborate with!

What’s it feel like to be releasing your own original music?

It’s so fun!! A little scary too because my songs really expose me, but I try not to think about that part haha. I’m thankful I get to do what I do. A little piece of me will be floating around the world for anyone to see. I can’t wait to see which songs people vibe with.

Will there be more music videos for your new music? If so, can you tell us about the concept of the videos 🙂

More music videos are on the way for sure!! Simplicity is key for me. I also always want to make sure my music videos are created as organically as possible. A lot of my videos are shot on my phone, I like having that control and originality to it. I love music videos so it’s really important to get it right for every song.

What’s been the pros and cons of pursuing your music career?

The tough part of pursuing a career in music is that it can be a little isolating at times. While my friends are at college partying, I’m in my room working. Pros are I love what I do! I get to travel to cool places, meet lots of amazing people, and I get to help people through my music. Which totally ways out the cons for me!

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today?

My family! They’re my number one supporters. They’ve always encouraged me to work hard and they help me in every way they can. You can always find my family at all of my shows, singing along to all of the songs.

What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?

I love how my fans embrace the heartbreak in my pop music. They always seem to love the saddest pieces in my songs, which I find really funny, but I love it. 

How would you describe your fans? – what’s three words you would use to describe your fans?

The coolest, the funnest, the most supportive– they hype me up so much! I’m so thankful to have such amazing people listening to my music. I wanna be friends with all of them.

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

I want my music and shows to show that they are never alone. Some of my happiest memories are at concerts, and I want to give other people that. Music builds such a sense of community. I want people to make friends at my shows, I want people to listen to my songs and feel some comfort. That’s why I do it!

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

I’m a very picky eater. You name it, I probably don’t eat it. Whenever I go to a restaurant I hope and pray that there’s a kids menu.

Are you planning any IG live shows to promote your new music?

I have a super special livestream happening on September 21st! Stay tuned:)

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?

Everything! I wouldn’t be able to do anything I’m doing if I didn’t have my followers to support me. I’m so thankful.

With an already massive fanbase your fans must they have a name for themselves. What do your fans call themselves? And How did that fanbase name catch on?

We don’t have a name! We need one!! Someone DM ASAP. We need ideas!

Many of your supporters are starstruck when they meet you! Have you ever been starstruck?

Of course! When I met Shawn Mendes I’m pretty sure I blacked out. I have such a crush on him. It was surreal.

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

Come say hi! It alwaysss makes my day!

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

I really want to meet Jack Antonoff. I’ve walked past him a couple times in New York, but that’s about the extent of our relationship. He’s so talented and he’s worked with so many other talented artists, I would love to pick his brain.

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself?

I honestly don’t know how I would be doing all of this without social media. It’s such a great way to connect with listeners. It’s awesome getting to talk to fans one on one through comments or DM’s. Not to mention I love dressing up and taking cool pictures. 

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

My biggest goal at the moment is to have a successful EP this year! I really hope people will connect with it. It’s been a year and a half in the making, but this is only the beginning.

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Thank you sooo much for all the love! It melts my heart and means more than you know. Honestly you keep me going!

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview! 

Totally! Thanks for having me.

