July 26, 2024

Hey Jahleni! So excited to be chatting with you, you started your acting career at a very young age, what inspired you to pursue acting? 

Thanks so much for having me! Jahleni always loved playing dress up and making up different characters and voices. She likes to watch Peppa Pig and imitate their accents. From a baby every time Jahleni saw the camera she would pose or do or Say something cute or sassy or funny. Jahleni is the youngest of four and the only girl! She enjoys Role playing with Jahsiaah, whom she is the closest to. Jahleni loves to imitate Mario and Luigi’s Italian accents while she plays with her Mario and Luigi toys. 

Do you have any rituals before filming a show?

I like to count backwards from 10-1 while waving my arms in the air to loosen up my body and face, something one of my acting coaches Ms. Wendy does with me before our lessons. It gets me feeling silly and ready. 

Are there any acting projects in the works you can tell us about?

Not at the moment but soon 

What are your friends and parents’ thoughts on your career in acting?

My family is my biggest support team. Especially my mom, she is there to take me and my big brother Jahsiaah to our acting classes, she makes sure to always let us know what a great job we are doing. She always makes us feel encouraged. She gives us praises all the time. 

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career?

Some goals I have are to walk the runway and see myself on a billboard! Another goal is to see myself on a tv show or commercial. 

Overall, how has this whole acting career experience been for you so far?

Overall acting has been fun . I have learned a lot about my emotions. 

What’s your favorite part about being an actor?

My favorite part would have to be meeting a lot of new people! 

Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as an actor?

Practice practice and have fun doing it 

Do you have any other talents other than acting?

Yes I love modeling!! I love taking pictures! I love when my mommy puts lipgloss on me and paints my nails ! It’s all so much fun! 

What led you to try modeling?

My mom would always say From as far back as I can remember I ( Jahleni) always loved taking pictures. I (Jahleni) would always pose whenever someone was taking pictures. 

What would you say is your favorite thing to do? Modeling or Acting?

For me I would have to say Modeling , I like acting to. But modeling is so much fun ! I get to dress up do hair makeup ? and take pictures.

Do you have any other passions other than acting or modeling?

Yes I love cheerleading! This is my second year with Jamaica Lady Bulldogs. My oldest brother Dashey played football with them as well. I get to learn cheers and do gymnastics, it’s great! 

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans? Thank you for all your support! Keep following me and brother for big things to come !

follow us on Instagram @those_mccovery_kids and on face JahleniJustyne and JahsiaahJustyn 

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview!

Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me today. It was so much fun! 

