January 12, 2025
Answered By: Alex Gonzalez with Matte Blvck

How did you guys come up with the band name “Matte Blvck” & what’s the meaning of the name?

Our band mate “Bidi” is a bit of a word smith and he wanted to name the first single “Matte Black”. After sharing our works with our peers they suggested that “Matte Black” should be the name of the band. We agree that the name fits our affinity for dark aesthetics and music

What is it like being in a band?

The 3 of us are completely capable of releasing music as solo artist but what’s the fun in that ?? We’re the best of friends and we’ve traveled the world together. It’s non stop pranks and laughter. Being in a band with these guys is the best!!! 

What’s the difference from your band and all bands that have come before you? 

We’ve borrowed a lot from our influences over the years but we’ve made sure that our sound captures modern sound design to create a music that brings nostalgia into the next century. 

How would you describe your musical style as a band?

mechanical tinged dance music while complimenting gritty industrial anthems while unabashedly embracing our love of underground techno. 

What artists/bands are you influenced by?

Depeche Mode, Nine inch Nails, Joy Division , New Order, Placebo , The Prodigy , Gessalfelstein, Apix Twins, Radio Head , Bjork, Sigur Ros, Deftones ,  Moderat, Nero, Boyz Noise, Skinny Puppy, Clan of Xymox, The Cure, Justice , Daft Punk 

You guys recently released your new single, “BARE”. How excited were y’all to get this song out into the world?

Very Excited , “Bare” was the first “Matte Blvck “ song that was written. We were lucky that Lake Hills and Alex Casillas were willing to work with us in creating this Video. We wanted to make sure the music is perceived a certain way visually. Lake and Alex absolutely killed it!! 

Can you tell us how this song came about and the meaning of the song?

2018 was a very difficult year for me, I found my self lost as I had the biggest year of my music career. I got to play stadiums and sharing the stage with some of my idols. However I was a hired musician and I realized that even through the experience of being able to go through that I didn’t find happiness. Bare is a journey of self discovery gone horribly wrong. It’s about opening yourself up and looking within only to find that amongst the beauty of one’s soul could lie a horrible monster within.

Thus, in order to find the path to enlightenment, you must confront and learn to understand that evil inside you. You either embrace that monster and become something motivated completely by evil, or you tackle it head on knowing that by acknowledging and fighting that demon every day, you can become a better person. BARE cuts deep into me because I know I walk that fine line each and every day.

Do you guys have a creative say in your music and videos?

This band is a democracy and everyone’s input is held with utmost importance. 

What do you hope to gain out of your music careers?

We hope Matte Blvck can get us to quit our 9-5’s , We hope to be able to reach as many ears as possible and we hope to be able to perform in every major city and country. 

What’s the feeling you guys get when performing in front of fans?

It’s pure bliss! Specially when it’s the 3 of us and our fans! 

Does your fanbase have a name?

We don’t have a name but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have one. 

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

We launched an Indie gogo campaign and our fans helped us hit goal in just 2 weeks. We owe them everything since they are the reason we’re even able to distribute our music . Our fans are our extended family and we will find ways to connect with every single one of them.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

Facebooks, Instagram, Twitter 

Will there be an ep/album out soon?

Expect an 8 song album 

What’s an average day for you guys look like?

Morning coffee, Breakfast, Podcast, Making Beats, Work our 9-5’s, Lunch, Plan our release dates , Exercise, Dinner and end the night working on new demos 

What goals have you guys set out for the band?

We have our 3rd single “Stripped” coming out Sept 11th , followed by a 4th single “Monumental “ Oct 23rd. Shortly after our full length album will be released. Expect Cd’s, Vinyls tons and tons of Merch. We hope this pandemic allows to tour in the near future. 

Where do you guys hope the band is in 5 years?

We hope we’ve reached the masses and we can tour the world. 

Do you guys have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Thank you so much for all you do and sharing our music and putting us on the map. 

