July 26, 2024
Photographer: Amanda Ramon
Hair: Clayton Hawkins
Makeup: Aaron Paul
Stylist: Brittany Diego

Hey Kelsey 🙂 You are well known for your role on the popular BRAT series “Chicken Girls”. Can you explain the process of how you got this role?

Hi! 🙂 Brooke Butler’s Mom, Nicole, reached out to us regarding being a dancer in season one. Then in season two, I became Kimmie.

Can you explain the character you portray?

I play Kimmie. She’s on the rival dance team, PowerSurge. She’s kind of a mean girl who speaks her mind.

How did your character get the nickname – Kimmie The Power Surge Dancer?

My character’s name is Kimmie who’s on the PowerSurge Dance Team.

What do you think makes this show standout from other shows that have been aired on BRAT?

Brat has so many phenomenal shows that are all so unique in their own way. “Chicken Girls” stands out because it’s so relatable to kids our age with all the relationship drama and normal high school situations.

What do you like most about being on a show that’s aired on YouTube?

I think it’s so cool. YouTube has a lot of great features and has expanded its platform to allowing brands like Brat to show off their shows. Everything’s going digital now.

What’s your favorite part about being on “Chicken Girls”?

Getting to act on such a real show with amazing friends.

Chicken Girls the Movie premiered recently and has garnered almost 15 million views to date. What was your thought about the movie when you saw it for the first time?

I was so amazed by the views. I was in awe when I first saw the movie for the first time. 🙂 it was so good!

What was the Chicken Girls’ movie premiere like for you?

Ahh, it was an experience of a lifetime. Watching the movie was so amazing. Seeing myself on the big screen for my first movie was such a good feeling. It was so much fun to see my cast, re-connect with old friends, and meet new ones too.

What was your favorite part about being on set?

Working with such an amazing cast and crew each season. 🙂

What’s it like working alongside well-known artists Annie LeBlanc & Hayden Summerall?

It’s so awesome to work with such professional actors and actresses. My cast is amazing.

Since season three just came out, can you spill any details on what the supporters can look forward to this season?

Lots of plot twists, new characters, and lots of singing and dancing. Stay tuned and keep watching!

Are there any other acting projects in the works you can tell us about?

Not at the moment. Right now, I’m working hard on my craft as episodic season is coming soon.

Did you have a favorite role you played? If so what was the role and why was it your favorite?

Definitely my featured role as ‘Mindy’ on “Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn.” I loved my character and how cute the episode was. 🙂

You have also created a huge social media presence for yourself. Why do you think social media is so important for teen actors today?

Thank you so much. I think social media is important for teen actors today as it’s great to stay connected with your friends and with your fans. It’s also good to have social media platforms as some casting directors can book you from your following.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

I always want a close relationship with my fans. I love when I get the time to go live on social media and get some of my fans to talk to them. It’s the best feeling in the world having so many amazing supporters.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

I use Instagram the most to stay connected to my fans. Instagram: @kelseyleonofficial

Does your fan base have a name? What would you call them?

A lot of my fans want me to call them “Angels”.

Have you had any crazy fan encounters?

None. I enjoy all of my fans and encourage all of them to come say hi! 🙂

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Thank you so much for all your love and support. To my long-term supporters and new fans, I love you guys so much. Reading all your comments, posts, and edits are the most amazing thing and you guys make my day. I’m super thankful to have such a phenomenal fan base and support behind me.

Season Three of “Chicken Girls” Is Now Available on Brat’s YouTube Channel:

