January 22, 2025

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Hey Finn! So excited to be chatting with you again! Hope you’ve been doing okay during these crazy times. Can you spill any fun tips to keep your supporters happy and productive during this time at home?

Hi! I feel like during crazy uncertain times like these it’s very important to continually have goals to work towards. It can be anything, but as long as you’re focusing on doing something, it will keep you more grounded. Humans are goal oriented and when you strip away these healthy challenges it can be hard to keep a sense of purpose. My advice is just always be working on something. 

You just released your new single “Into The Open” & it’s awesome! I love it!! How excited were you to get this song out “into the open”? Haha

Thank you so much! I made the song late last year and I immediately knew it was special. The production and the way it flips between being rhythmic and spacey felt really unique. I made the song over the course of a few weeks. After the beat and vocals were all laid down I constantly tweaked everything until it was exactly how I imagined.

Can you tell us the backstory of this song? Is it from a real experience?

The song is about love, but it’s not a love song. It’s more inspired by a feeling I had at the time from a collection of different experiences. It was one of the first times when I felt I was really evolving as a person and an artist and becoming fully comfortable with myself. It’s a very introspective song, so I touch on the external things like the people in my life and challenges i’m facing as well as the internal motivation of wanting to be the best person I can be. These are all things everyone goes through when we’re growing up and I hope everyone who listens can feel this and connect it to their own experiences. 

Will there be a music video for your new single? If so, can you tell us about the concept of the video 🙂 

There is a music video out now! The concept behind it is painting the song in different ways that lots of people go through. There are 3 stories we shot. First, my story and my internal battles as an artist fighting to stay creative and present. A basketball player who is injured and has to overcome the challenge of recovering, and at the end is shown to be grateful to even to alive. Lastly, 2 female dancers who are too scared to show that they have feelings for one another. Once they connect, all of their reservations drop away. I want to use this video to bring people together. No matter who you are, you can always do something to improve yourself or your attitude towards life.

You also have more music coming out in 2020!! Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward to this summer?!?

I’m planning on releasing a bunch of new music this year. I’m putting the finishing touches on my album right now and I’m planning to be able to release it later this year 🙂

Do you have a creative say in your music? Did you help write all your new songs? 

I have sole creative control over myself as an artist and that’s the most beautiful thing. I co-wrote into the open with Elijah Blake and also produced it myself. Most of my upcoming album is written and produced by me as well so I’m very excited to share what I’ve been working on.

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today? 

I owe a lot to my parents for always supporting me following my dreams and doing what I love. I also want to thank Elijah Blake, he mentored me from a young age and really helped me find myself as an artist. 

What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?

I dont really like to compare it to anything else but I appreciate my supporters so much. I love how positive it always is and that I can help people through music. 

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

I just want people to take away a genuine energy and feeling from my music. No matter what I’m writing about I always make sure it’s authentic to me and that people will be able to relate my music to themselves, because the most beautiful part of making music is watching it connect with people. 

