July 26, 2024

Hey Bella! We are so excited to be premiering your new single “FAKE”. How excited are you that this song is finally out into the world?

I’m super excited this song is finally out!! FAKE is the second single I released and is very different from my first single, Heartache. FAKE shows a different side to my songwriting, and I can’t wait for people to hear it.


Where did the inspiration for the song come from?

The inspiration to write this song came from a personal experience I had. At the time it was hard to go through but writing this song helped me move past it.

Any fun moments while creating/recording the song?

All of it was fun. The whole process was a huge learning experience for me. It taught me a lot about the production side, and I’ll definitely apply what I’ve learned as I write and record future songs.

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new song?

I hope people will be able to relate and connect to this song. I would love knowing my song helped someone get through a difficult situation and not feel so alone.

What’s the process of writing one of your songs?

I start with an idea or theme, which is either based on personal experience or something that inspired me. I then play around with chords until I find something that I like. I usually come up with the chorus next and work on the melody and lyrics. Overall songwriting is a great way for me to process emotions and situations.

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

I just want to thank them for listening to my music and supporting my work. It means so much to me!! People can connect with me on instagram (@iambellakaye) and my website (www.bellakaye.com). Finally, stay tuned for my EP which will be releasing later this year.

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview 🙂

Thank you! It was great to catch up with you. ☺

