July 26, 2024
PHOTO CREDIT: Shervin Lainez

Indie Pop Singer-Songwriter Emmrose

Releases Intense New Single,

“Tonight” Via TeenMusicInsider

With soaring vocals and intricate melodies, you might be surprised to find out that indie pop singer-songwriter Emmrose is a sixteen year old living in New York City, attending High School as a junior. She has been writing, recording and performing her music since the age of fourteen.

Emmrose isn’t chasing fame. Her passion is to write her poetic and introspective music which is influenced by today’s alternative pop stars like Lorde and Billie Eilish. Though also drawing inspiration from artists such as Frank Sinatra, The Beatles and Elton John, when asked about her current favorite artist she confidently states Radiohead.

With plenty more to share, Emmrose is planning for everything life gives her. She’s wise beyond her years. “If this music thing takes off, I’ll go with that,” she says. “I’ll write more, do more and have a blast. If nothing happens, then I’ll still be okay. I’ll never stop writing. It’s too important. Really.”

The new single comes as an intense and serious melody, reflecting on the intoxicating draw of a a crush and flirtation. It also reflects on the shyness and anxiety of revealing such emotions, wondering if they’ll be reciprocated, as well as the confusion of reading signals. 

It follows a first person narrative, of being alone at a party, feeling like an outsider but deciding to “dance away the uptight”. In many ways it’s similar to a dream sequence, as the lyrics share “Maybe its just this is all too much, is this even happening, your touch is evaporating, can you repeat what you said again…”

The track builds in slow, suspenseful layers, full of intricate touches – from the strike of a match, to blaring trumpets, and Bond-inspired guitar melodies.

“Tonight” was recorded/produced by Michael Abiuso (Behind the Curtains Media).

It will be available everywhere this Friday, September 20th.

May appeal for fans of: Adele, Lorde, Billie Eilish, Florence & the Machine, Lana Del Ray

Hey Emmrose! We are so excited to be premiering your new single “Tonight”. How excited are you that this song is finally out into the world?

I am so excited for people to finally hear the finished product of this song! I’ve always plays it as a solo piano song, and it’ll be great for people to hear “Tonight” with all its production.

Where did the inspiration for the song come from?

“Tonight” was inspired by the experience of being lonely at a party, but then seeing someone you like… so you put on an act, like you’re actually having a good time.

Any fun moments while creating/recording the song?

The ‘eureka’ moment is always my favorite, right when I know what the song will be, and sound like fully in the writing process – it’s a feeling like no other.

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new song?

Well I hope they like it! I’m definitely proud of this song – and I hope people will be too.

What’s the process of writing one of your songs?

A surge of inspiration always hits me – and then I go from there. I probably wrote “Tonight” in half an hour – it’s never really taken me long to get my ideas onto paper. When I have the right creative mindset, writing a song is effortless.

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

For any NYC readers, I’m playing a show tonight (Wednesday, September 18th) at Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 3 at 8:30 pm. I’ll be sharing lots of new music, new sounds, and even a different band behind me!


