You started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to pursue music?
I saw “The Phantom of the Opera when I was around two years old, I was obsessed, and would sing it everywhere! My family is also very musically inclined, I was raised surrounded by very talented family. My great grandpa even had a jazz album, The Russ Haddock Trio, on the Billboard top 100 back in 1954!
What led you to try out for AGT?
I always loved that show since I was very little, it was a dream of mine to go on and audition for it.
What was that experience like for you?
It was amazing! I NEVER thought I would get the golden buzzer!! I hoped to just get a few yes’s and make it past the first round, that would’ve been amazing enough! I made so many wonderful friends on that show too and we still keep in touch.
How would you describe your musical style?
I really love to sing with a lot of heart and soul. My singing style varies, especially as I grow vocally and mature, but I would say R&B style would be mostly what I sing.
What artists do you look up to right now?
I have so many! I love Kehlani, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, to name a few.
Can we expect any new music soon?
YES! I just released my first single “Love Left Me Blind” on all music platforms. The music video is in the works. I have a collaboration I did with a friend of mine coming out next, followed by another single soon!!!
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Currently I am performing all over, mostly private functions and for a few charities I support. I also recorded an anime feature song, which I am very excited about!
Does your fanbase have a name?
Yes! We did a poll back when I was on AGT, it was between Makayloves and BigMaks and my fan base voted for Makayloves!
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
I am very close with my fan base, especially those people that have supported me from the very start. I have several fan pages that post about me every day, even if it is just a picture, I appreciate it more than they could ever know.
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
Craziest fan encounter has to be a girl that flew in from back east to attend one of the AGT shows, hoping that she could give me a painting she did of me! It was crazy because I happened to go to lunch with my mom that day and she was there and saw us walk out of the restaurant! That painting currently hangs on my wall in my room.
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
I use mostly Instagram and Snapchat. I love going live and really connecting with my fans. I like to surprise them by going live every once in a while…Going live means they get me just as I am, no fake anything…take me or leave me! LOL! Are you going on tour again anytime soon? I don’t currently have a tour planned, but that is definitely a future goal of mine…I have so many goals planned, but that is one at the top of my list.
What’s an average day for you look like?
An average day for me is getting up, getting myself ready for the day, making sure my homeschool assignments are done, getting into the studio and possibly recording, or songwriting. I also assistant direct my mom’s theater classes, and that keeps us very
busy. I really love the down time, and spend that with my brother playing games, or going out with my friends to the mall, or roller skating.
What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
I’d like to continue to release my own music, perform at the Grammy’s and Super Bowl, go on tour, to name a few goals! I really LOVE to sing our National Anthem, and to perform it at the Super Bowl would be an incredible honor and dream come true! I recently was able to perform it for the San Diego Padres and it was amazing!
How has this whole music career experience been?
It has its up and downs. I work very hard and focus on it every day, you get a lot of no’s before you get that one amazing yes. So far, I have had so many wonderful people come into my life and support my passion in music, from studio time, to performing at various functions. I’d say I’ve been very blessed.
Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
I would love for them to know how much their support means to me, I appreciate it more than I could ever really let them know, my way of giving back is in my music.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with me.
Thank YOU for the opportunity to chat about my love for music and my supporters.