January 22, 2025

Hey Connor 🙂 You are well known for your role on the popular movie series “Cool Cat”. Can you explain the process of how you got this role?

  • I first auditioned for the role of Butch the Bully. About a week later I received a callback for the role. They wanted to do what’s called a mix and match which is when you read with different actors so the director can get a feel for the chemistry between the actors. The day after the mix and match my agent told me I booked the role.

Can you explain the character you portray?

  • My character is called Butch the Bully. He is a mean kid who bullies Cool Cat and his friends. He is always looking for trouble.

What did you like most about being apart of this movie series?

  • My favorite part about being in this movie series is the interesting way fans have gravitated toward this bully character. Fans have created memes and fan pages for Butch the Bully. Some of them are pretty cool.

What has been your favorite role to play? & why?

  • Although I loved playing Butch the Bully, I had a great time with my role of Tucker on 9-1-1. I was able to be part of a family and we had a great time together on set.

Can you spill any details on what the supporters can look forward to from you?

  • I am not currently working on any Cool Cat projects at the moment but you never know when Butch the Bully will make an appearance!

You have also created a huge social media presence for yourself.What made you start on social media? And how did your social media turn into a part of your career?

  • I started on social media because of my Butch the Bully character. I was actually on social media before I even knew it because there were so many fan accounts out there using my picture!  I decided I needed to create my own social media account so I had control of what my fans saw about me. It has become a huge part of my career because social media is such a big part of my generation.

Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists today?

  • Social media is so important for teen artists today because it is the best way to directly communicate with your fans. It’s all about keeping that connection with your fans. I am an ambassador with the GenZ Social Summit which is a place where GenZers can talk about how they use social media in a positive way and where those just starting in social media can explore it in a safe, encouraging environment.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

  • Although I do have a Facebook page (@theconnordean) and a Twitter page (@theconnordean) I mainly use Instagram to stay connected. I have 2 Instagram pages. The one I post the most on is @theconnordean, but I also have @butchthebullyofficialpage

Do you have a creative say in what you post on your social media?

  • I always have a creative say in what I post on social media because I am doing the posting. I do run things by my parents before I post but it is all me!

What do you hope to gain out of your social media career?

  • I want people to see social media as a positive way to express yourself and stay connected with people. There is so much negative in the world so if I can make one person smile because of something I posted that makes me happy. That is why I am so involved in GenZ. It is encourages positive social media.

Are there any other fun projects in the works you can tell us about?

  • I am currently working on a short film project which I can’t talk about right now. What I can tell you is it is going to be a wonderful, fun project. When I am able to share you will be one of the first ones to hear about it!

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

  • I want my fans to know the real Connor Dean, not Butch the Bully from the fan pages…lol. I want to inspire them and make them smile.

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

  • I think the craziest fan encounter I’ve had was when I was with my brother. One of his friends went nuts because he was a huge fan of Butch the Bully and he didn’t know Alex was my brother. That was pretty funny!

You also recently became the celebrity ambassador for the charitable organization A Magic Penny.How did you become involved with this amazing organization?

  • I met A Magic Penny at an event was attending. We had a great connection and they asked me to be their ambassador. I enjoy working with charities and A Magic Penny works with a number of different organizations. I also personally support and work with St. Baldricks, The Bumblebee Foundation, and the LA Mission. Anytime you can do something to help someone else you should do it.

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

  • Don’t ever be afraid to dream BIG and follow your passion. Work hard and you can achieve anything. What you believe you can achieve!

Thanks for taking the time and doing this interview 🙂

