February 7, 2025

Hi Bryce! Thanks for being here today!

Thanks for havin me 🙂

First I’d like to start off by congratulating you on the release of your new single “Cat’s Meow”, we just love the song! So thank you for taking the time to chat with us, we’re fans already! Can you actually start off by telling us where the idea for this song came about?

Thanks so much friends, that’s really so great to hear!! Cat’s Meow was a product of the uncertainty and isolation of quarantine. I wrote it back in April or so when it was really starting to set in how long this lockdown was gonna last. No matter who you are there is just so much to miss these days, whether it’s a person, a place, live concerts, or even just the feeling of not worrying. It’s so easy to get down about that kind of stuff, and with Cat’s Meow I am trying to acknowledge those feelings but in an ultimately positive and somewhat bittersweet way. Yes, there is a lot of uncertainty and despair in the world, but we also have so many reasons to be thankful, and so many reasons to keep healing. All that you can do is grow from where the world leaves you 🙂

Is there a song you are currently listening to on repeat?

Kind of a random pick for me but I have been blasting Polo & Pan’s “Caravelle” recently, especially the track “canopée”. If you think you are too cool for French dance music, you are wrong. Also been loving the new Told Slant and Field Medic albums.

Who was your first concert?

When I was 13 or so I asked for tickets to see Jack Johnson for my birthday. That show was life changing; it was at this beautiful outdoor venue on the water in Chicago. Edward Sharpe was opening too. I was immediately hooked on live shows after that.

When did you become a music lover and what does music bring to your life?

The day I went from music appreciator to music lover was when I first discovered folk music. My uncle had given me a list of bands to check out, like Mumford and Avett brothers and that kind of thing. That really changed me. From then on music just kept on evolving in different ways until it was at the center of my life. And these days I think I’d have trouble finding ways in which it DOESN’T impact my life! For me music is self expression, it’s identity, it’s documentation of my experiences, it’s connection, it’s fun. It brings purpose to my life and gives me a medium to spread positivity and growth.

Who has been your greatest influence?

It’s so hard to pick just one; I have had so many #1’s over the years. I guess the one that has been the most persistent is Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes. His story telling, rawness, and poeticism is really unmatched in my opinion. Some other honorable mentions: Flatsound, Jack Johnson, Cavetown, CAAMP, and the Front Bottoms.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Gosh I wish I had the timeline for you but I can definitely say Natalie Portman, Kiera knightley, and Michael Cera were up there. 

What is your favorite holiday dish?

Pie all day. Apple, pecan, pumpkin, berry. anything really.

What are you most thankful for?

As I am typing this, my family is in the process of moving out of my childhood home. Having just graduated college, I’ll finally be headed to California to be a real “adult” if you can call a 20-year old that ?. The thought of not having a kind of anchor point any more is scary, but also makes me really appreciate the people in my life even more. So I guess my answer is that I am most thankful for my family and loved ones. A cheesy but amazingly true quote comes to mind: “home is wherever you feel loved.” Not sure who said that but I’m sure it’s hanging in Hobby Lobby’s and Pottery Barn’s everywhere. Anyways, leaving my hometown for good has forced me to really pare down whats important to me and really hone in on appreciating those things; and everything else has been the good kind of letting go.

Please tell our readers how they can stay up to date with you!

I am most active on instagram (@healerbryce) but I’ve got Twitter as well and I’ve been trying to learn Tik Tok too ?(same handle)

Thank you for your time!

