September 20, 2024

You just released your new single and I love it! How excited are you to finally have “Y” out into the world?

I am beyond excited. This song means the world to me and I am so happy to finally share it with the world.

Can you tell us how this song came together?

I was at Berklee School of Music at a 5 weeks summer program and we and my friend Sophia Nadder went down to one of the practice rooms, I told her to play something on the piano and the lyrics just spilled out.

Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward to this year?!?

I have a new single coming out on March 3 called Leave Me Alone and I’m working on some stuff to release later this year. 

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today?

Mostly my parents, they have always supported me and have never doubted me for a second, they support me with everything I do.

How would you describe your fans? – what’s three words you would use to describe your fans?

My fans are kind, amazing, and beyond supportive.

What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?

My fan base ranges from all ages, which is really cool cause usually artists have a set age group that listens to their music. Obviously some age groups listen more than others but they’re pretty equal.

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

One message I want to say to my fans is that no matter how bad a situation is, something good ALWAYS comes out of it. When my fans listen to my music, I want them to take away that even though things can be bad, you have to stay strong and know your worth.

Are you planning any tours to meet your supporters?

Not yet but I am planning a few shows!

Do you have any preshow rituals that help you get pumped up to meet your supporters?

Before every show I dance around to music no matter where I am to get my energy and spirit up.

What do you want your supporters to know that you think is important?

I want them to know to always follow their heart before their head. The heart is always right.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

If I had to say something it would probably be that I have a sister named Gaby with cerebral palsy!

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?


What do your fans call themselves? And How did that fanbase name catch on?

I don’t think they have a name??

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

I want them to know that they can come up to me and give me a big hug if they want to.

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

Easy. Lady Gaga. She’s soooo cool.

Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists like yourself?

I think it’s important because it helps us to reach out to our peers and supporters as long as keeping them updated on our plans, music, and life! 

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

My biggest dream right now would probably have to be to inspire. 

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?


