Hey Baby Magic!! So excited to be chatting with you!! What led you to start posting on YouTube?
I like the Youtuber lifestyle.You’re pretty much your own boss. Plus I’ve always loved the camera and then I found out you could get paid! Bet!
What can people find on your channel?
You can find my deep dimples and my goofy big sister doing hype videos on our channel. Be prepared to laugh and be in a better mood after our videos, plus cameos from my “unique” family.
Are there any YouTubers that you look up to right now?
I believe in creating my own path and doing it a way nobody has done yet. I do like watching hair video though.
Have you ever been starstruck by anyone you’ve met so far in the youtube world?
Yessssss I am Zoie I love his messy Monday’s I wish everyday was Monday.
What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
I’m starting my own clothing line soon… I’m really excited for that!
What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment in your career so far?
I really wanted to give up on all social media after I lost my first page after building it up for years. But I loved social media and dancing that I tried it again and now I’m happy to say I’m at 300k on ig . Let’s go Magicgang
Overall, how has this whole YouTube career experience been for you?
It’s been the best I love recording and interacting with our supporters but my sister is the editor and she takes forever to edit a video!
Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a YouTuber?
Don’t ever give up and don’t do fake pranks and unrealistic videos. Be yourself and you will get people who love you for that.
You have also created a huge social media presence for yourself. Why do you think social media is so important for artists today?
Social media is a great tool if you use it for uplifting and promoting your brand and sharing your light with the world. On the other side of social media it can be very toxic if you get caught up in the negativity.
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
They are like my friends and I want them to know I appreciate the love and all the support!
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
I use Instagram and I host talent shows on my live and they love that!
Does your fan base have a name yet? If yes, how did that name catch on?
I’m actually in the process of coming up with a name but on me and my sisters YouTube we call our supporters siblings! Since they are like family to us.
If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)
I would want my face on the billboard smiling and that would encourage other people to smile when they see it! A smile a day keeps the haters away
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
I haven’t had one yet thank you Lord
Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?
I love y’all and keep supporting me! And subscribe to our channel sistersister
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions!
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