February 6, 2025

What did you like most about YouTube that made you start posting covers? 

YouTube is a really great platform to showcase whatever it is you want to share with the world. I always thought it was a great opportunity for me to reach people as quickly as possible with the music I love to sing. 

What is your process for creating your original music? 

In most cases, I sit down with my co-writers and listen to an instrument track. We like to come up with a concept first. Later on in our creative process we will usually come up with the lyrics and the melodies. I like to bounce off ideas with the other writers so we can get the best out of our writing sessions and the most creative work possible.

Did you have a “break out” song that started things for you with your followers?

Yeah, my first music video that I put out really took off. The song is called “Bombs Away,” which seems quite fitting for a breakout song. I love that song so much. I’m sentimentally attached to it and am so happy it succeeded with my fans. I love the instrumental composition of it a lot too, especially the horns in the song. 

What kind of message do you want your music to have on your supporters? 

I want my music to have a positive impact on my supporters. Sometimes I make uplifting songs, and sometimes they may be a bit more on the sad side. However, I hope that my music can speak to my listeners and help them overcome hardships and hard times.

You recently have been working on your album. Can you spill any details about it – Title? How many songs? Etc. Will any of the “Cruise Remixes” be on it?

I really like the “Cruise” remixes. We have some great producers on those mixes of the song. They did an amazing job. I really don’t know if they are going to be on my next project or not. I hope so. There’s not much else I can say quite yet. It’s all still in the works.

How did you choose the artists featured on the “Cruise Remixes” EP?

Theyre dope producers, that why! 🙂

What was the recording process like for each? Did you meet in the studio or do everything via email?

For the original “Cruise” recording, I did a lot of the pre-recording process at my home studio, and then eventually went in the studio to cut the master recording. We did a lot of work to get the vocals exactly where we wanted to for the best performance. For the remix, we were really satisfied with the original vocal recording, so we just kept that. The producers just took the song and they did their magic on it. Most of everything at that stage of the song, we did via email.

Would you say your song “Cruise” in it’s many facets (regular, radio, acoustic and now remix versions) is your biggest accomplishment in your music career so far?

I definitely would say it’s one of the few. I loved the entire process of creating “Cruise.” Making the song, recording the video, doing the acoustic version… I really loved it all. And now the remixes! It’s just a really great thing to have been a part of. Amen!

Have you had any moments while creating the project that stood out to you?

What actually stood out to me is when we were making the music video for “Cruise.” For the concept, we headed out to Detroit Lake, in my home state of Oregon. To get the chill vibe of the song, I wanted to cruise on the lake, and I think we were able to nail the feel of the song with the visual. My dedicated boyfriend and cameraman almost fell off of the boat trying to get some of the great shots we got for the video. 

Did any artists style influence you when choosing artists to work with on the “Cruise Remixes” EP?

I wasn’t part of that process of making the remixes. I wish I was, but I think that some great choices were made.

Can we expect any collabs on your upcoming album?

I’m not sure yet. Beyonce would be cool, though. Hey, can somebody make the call?

Do you have a projected release date yet?

No, not yet.

What’s the story behind the single “Cruise”?

I had this beat for a really long time. The only thing I could come up with for the instrumental was “cruise” or “cruising.” One day, during a writing session with my co-writer, I brought up the instrumental. When I played it, I told them what the concept was that I wanted. My boyfriend Davi came up with a cool first little line. I thought it had a cool message. From there, we just built on the song, and the rest is history!

Are you planning to go on tour or do any performances to promote this project?

I am currently working on putting together a band for some future performances. We don’t have anything specifically lined up right now, but I’m truly excited about performing and look forward to it in the near future with the crew.

Do you have any other fun projects or events in the works that you can tell us about?

I have some really cool stuff I am working on for my YouTube page. I can’t talk about it much right now, but stay tuned, y’all. I’m really excited about it.

Any last things you want to tell your fans?

I love you guys so much. You brighten my day with your encouragement, and I really appreciate your support. I hope that my music makes you feel good.

