You are definitely a triple threat, you sing, dance and act. What inspired you to pursue all these amazing things?
Performing has been a passion of mine since I was little, I have always enjoyed performing and creating.
How would you describe your musical style as an artist?
I would describe my musical style as Symbolic, I write about my emotions that are relevant in my life.
What artists do you look up to right now?
Musically, I look up to Melanie Martinez and Ariana Grande
Any fun things in the works for your music career?
I have a Music Video coming out soon and more music on the way followed by live Performances.
Now onto dance; what’s your favorite dance style?
My favorite dance style is Hiphop and Jazz Funk
Have you had a favorite dance performance?
My favorite dance performance was my musical theater solo when I was a competition dancer
Do you look up to anyone in the dance world?
I look up to Michael Jackson in the dance world for his originality and creativity.
You have also made a name for yourself in the acting world. How did your passion for acting start?
I have always loved to perform, starting when I was 3 years old as a competitive gymnast.
Which actor/actress are you in influenced by?
I love Leonardo DiCaprio and Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn walked into a room an lit it up.
You are well known for your role as Young Queen Elizabeth in the film “ The Love Life Of Queen Elizabeth”. Can you explain the process of how you got this role?
The director, Shihyun Sherry Wang has such a great passion and interesting view point , that I wanted to audition and work with her.
What was your favorite part about being on “The Love Life of Queen Elizabeth”/
My favorite part about being in the film was getting to play the role of a QUEEN.
What was your favorite part about being on set?
One of my favorite parts about being on set is alway making new friends.
How did you and the other cast members get along? Did you guys have any rituals before filming?
On set, we all got along great, everyone was super nice. There is a lot of waiting , so we would eat as much junk food and candy as possible just before our scenes as a silly and fun way to spike our energy level.
What was an average day like on set?
An average day on set is; rehearsing our lines with our co stars and getting to know everybody. We make new friends and relationships with the other kids , directors and crew.
How did you react when you found out you were nominated for best actress in Brasov International Film Festival?
When I heard I had been nominated, I was excited and happy that my hard work was recognized.
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
There are definitely more musical things coming up, and a major network costar appearance on a show that hasn’t been announced yet.
What are your friends and parents thoughts on your career in singing and acting?
My parents and friends are very supportive.
Overall, how has this whole acting and singing career experience been for you?
My industry experience here in L.A. has been very tough and every day I’m learning new life lessons and becoming a stronger person.
Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a singer or actor?
My advice to anyone trying to make it as a singer or actor is to be patient and persistent.
Do you have any other talents other than singing and acting.
I am a dancer and I was a competitive gymnast on track for the Olympics at one point.
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
5 words I would describe myself would be.. Creative, Strong, Adventurous, Determined, Anxious
Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?
“One day the people who didn’t believe in you, will tell everyone how they met you”