February 16, 2025

Can you tell us about how you joined pop group Pynk Lemonade?

I met Bryce Xavier through mutual friends and social media. His mom is the manager of Pynk Lemonade, she reached out to me and asked if I would be the fifth member of the group! It was perfect timing because I was moving back to California from Texas.

What is it like being in a band?

As a solo artist life can be very lonely and as a teenage girl we are always looking for a place to belong. Being a member of Pynk Lemonade, I found my place to belong in a group that ‘gets me’ and understands how seriously I take my career and holds me to my best standard because they each are so confident and talented.

How would you describe your musical style as a band?

As a group, we describe our musical style as Edgy Pop/R&B!

What artists/bands are you influenced by?

My biggest musical inspiration is Jessie J because of the soul and depth in her voice. Britney Spears inspires me as well because she successfully took a Disney career and became one of the biggest pop artists that we know today.

What’s the difference from your band and all bands that have come before you?

What makes us different from other groups is that all of the girls in Pynk Lemonade can sing and dance. We all have our own sense of style and individuality. We truly are best friends and love to spend time together even when we aren’t working.

What’s it like meeting your supporters in person?

I actually like to call my fans “frands” because they are my friends but also my supporters. Due to social media and the ability to connect with my supporters going live and online, meeting them in person is like seeing a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.

Does your fanbase have a name yet?

My personal Tori Kay fanbase is named #Torioes (tori heroes) and Pynk Lemonades fanbase is named #LemonHeadz.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

As I am growing in social media and my “frand” base is getting larger, I hope to continue my close friendship with each and every one of my #Torioes

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

In person I haven’t had any crazy encounters, but on social media my #Torioes can become very passionate lol.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

The social media platform I use most to stay connected with my “frands” are Instagram and Live.me! You can follow me @torikayunedited!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?

I am only 16 so 5 years seems so far away. I have many different interests which include acting, singing, dancing, and fashion. When it comes to music, Pynk Lemonade has goals of touring and releasing an album. I, of course, would love my own Disney/Nickelodeon show where I would get to sing, dance, and act. I am also looking at enrolling in FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) and starting my own fashion line in the near future.

You have also made a name for yourself in the acting world. How did your passion for acting start?

When I was a competitive dancer in Texas, the competition studio I went to also had a theatre department. I decided that I wanted to try it out and ended up falling in love with acting. At that time I also became obsessed with the TV show ‘Shake It Up’ on Disney Channel and that’s what led me to on-camera acting.

What actor/actress are you influenced by?

My influences as an actress are definitely Zendaya and Taraji P. Henson. Zendaya had a main role in the TV show ‘Shake It Up’ where she got to sing, dance and act showcasing all of her talents in one show. Taraji P. Henson is so diverse in her acting skills, her role as Cookie in one of my favorite TV shows ‘Empire’ is dynamic and fierce.

Did you want to be an actor and singer when you were little, or did that develop later on?

From an early age, I was always the star of my own show. I have three older brothers so I am definitely the little princess in the family. I would always be singing and dancing and having my own full out shows in the living room. I have always known that this is what I wanted to do.

Have you ever been starstruck by anyone you’ve met so far?

Living in LA, there are a lot of opportunities to meet celebrities. I definitely got starstruck when I met Zendaya. I was also starstruck when I met Tim Johnson Jr. from The Four at a party, but the cool thing is that I now consider him a close friend.

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

Currently, Pynk Lemonade is in the studio working on our EP that is coming out very very soon! So stay tuned for that!

What are your friends and parents thoughts on your career in singing and acting?

My family is very supportive. My mom is by my side every step of the way. You can catch ‘Momma Swaggy’ making regular appearances on my Insta Story. We actually do a thing called ‘Car Raps’ where my Frands will send me raps for us to do in the car, it is hilarious! My friends are the same. They are always quoting the lyrics of my original song ‘Girl Power’.

Overall, how has this whole acting and singing career experience been for you?

Being in the entertainment industry is a roller coaster ride. Somedays I am like “Is this real life?” I hang out with the coolest most talented people. The events and parties are straight out of a movie. A random Tuesday night I am in full hair and makeup on a red carpet at some LA event – CRAZY right? And then the other side of that roller coaster is all the hard work that goes into building my brand and perfecting my craft. There are countless hours of dance, vocal, and acting classes. Keeping up with social media takes a lot of my day as well. There is a huge team that is behind me and with that comes a huge expectation.

Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a singer or actor?

My advice for anyone that is pursuing the entertainment industry is to never ever ever give up on your dreams. If you truly believe in your dream and love what you do then don’t let anyone else affect how you feel. You can do whatever you set your mind to. Practice your craft every day!

Do you have any other talents other than singing and acting?

Other than singing and acting, I also dance, play piano, song-write and can do some gymnastic flips!

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?

Five words that I would use to describe myself would be bubbly, energetic, passionate, determined, hard-working, and silly!

If your life was a movie, what would be the title?

The Life of Tori Kay

Who would you want to play you?

Honestly, I would want to play myself lol!

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?

I just want to thank all my #Torioes for being so loving and supportive. I am so thankful that I get to do what I love to do because of them. They make the everyday grind fun and worth it. I want them to know that I am committed to living my motto everyday “I am not wishing on a star, I am chasing it”!

