Dad here. Ethan, our 7-year-old wanted to try answering the questions too!
Cameron, our drummer, recently turned 13. He’s an avid reader, loves to skateboard, boogie board, and jam with his brothers. He also loves astrophysics and knows more about space than I could ever hope to know. Recently, he and two friends won the Art In Space contest sponsored by OKGO. His art experiment got to fly up into space on a Blue Origin rocket last December. (We also got to go to an OKGO concert and hang with the band backstage which was mind-blowing.) He was cast as “Freddy”, the drummer in the Andrew Lloyd Webber Broadway musical School of Rock. All six of us traveled for 16 months throughout the U.S. and Canada touring with the production. He performed in 484 shows in 60 cities.
Dylan (11, guitar, keyboards) loves codes, ciphers, and math. He recently decided it’d be cool to memorize the decimals of Pi (he’s up to 62 digits). Dylan joined his brother Cameron on stage for the last four months of the musical as the character “Mason”.
Mason (9, Bass, drums, guitar) loves boogie-boarding, reading, and taking care of the bugs and lizards in the yard. He loves to draw, write his own songs, and build drip-castles at the beach.
Ethan (7, bass and vocals) loves skateboarding, Harry Potter, and playing with his brothers.
E- Some of the things I like to do are reading with my brothers, go on scooter rides.
What inspired you guys to pursue music?
Dad – We realized Cameron had an affinity for drumming when he was still in diapers. (His mom used to drum on her belly when she was pregnant with him.) So, he drummed in our garage on a used drum set for several years before a friend told us about a musical looking for kid drummers.
During the 16 months we were all on tour, we were surrounded by incredible musical talent. The boys met and played with the pit musicians and the other kid musicians regularly. I didn’t think the younger two would ever be anything but rock fans until halfway through the tour. One of the actresses invited them to try singing some songs. Then, Mason began bass lessons with the pit bassist and caught on quickly.
The first time they played together as a band was at a benefit concert in Cleveland, Ohio during the tour. They decided to learn Crazy Train for their first performance together. It went over so great that the ball just started rolling…
E- Well when Cameron was a baby he would sneak in our garage and play on the drums.
What is it like being in a band with your brothers?
Dad- The boys have a blast. The best thing for me is watching them encourage each other
E- it’s really fun!
How would you describe your musical style as a band?
Dad- Rock cover w some originals and parodies
E- well sometimes it’s rock and sometimes it’s mellow. It’s really everything.
What artists do you guys look up to right now?
The boys love Weird Al, Foo Fighters, ACDC, Ozzy, and Weezer.
E- ACDC, Cage the Elephant, foo fighters, Offspring.
You guys just recently released your new single, “Quarantine”. Can you tell us how this song came about?
Dad – When quarantine started, I started writing poetry to keep my sanity. Then, the poems became songs. Dylan walked into the kitchen one day singing Quarantine to Jackson 5 ABC, and I said wait, what is that? He shrugged and said, something I came up with. We went to work on some lyrics and the song was born.
E- Well my brother Dylan came out singing quarantine it’s as easy as just don’t leave! and so dad thought that was a good idea so dad started making the lyrics.
What’s been your thought on the reaction of the song?
Dad – it’s great when you make something that people, especially grandma, really dig…. but getting the video from Weird Al giving them props was epic. I had to watch it five times to make sure what I was watching was real. video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?
E- I’m glad that my grandma liked it. And Weird Al liked it.
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Dad- The boys are working on a punk rock Rudolph song, a Rock the Vote rap, and a cover of Hero by Weezer.
E- Well I have been making songs and we’ve been practicing Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
Check Out Their Original Election Song Here: https://www.
Why do you think social media is so important for singers today?
Dad – Actually, the boys don’t have social media accounts or their own smartphones. They didn’t have an Instagram account or anything like that when they landed the roles in School of Rock. They have so many other interests that I plan on keeping them off a little while longer. Lots of artists whether they are in music or my world (photography) spend too much time worrying about the game of social media when that energy could be put into creating art (as opposed to creating the right recipe of hashtags to help the algorithm find an audience).
E- is it?
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
E- To be nice and funny.
Dad – It’s a blast watching an audience watch them for the first time. At first, it’s like “oh how cute.” Then once they tear into a song folks forget they are kids and just start banging their heads and hooting. We hope they inspire other kids to find what they love and create good stuff to put out into the world.
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
Dad – One time when I was waiting to pick up Cameron and Dylan after a SOR show, there were tons of fans waiting for autographs. As I excused myself to get through the crowd at the stage door I explained “Sorry. Parent here, trying to pick up my kids”. A couple of girls asked me who my kids were. When I told them, they put their hands up to their faces and one even started crying. That was surreal.
E- I don’t really know. But this is my best guess :at the haws of blues. (Dad here- ahh yes, House of Blues in February they had some grandmas dancing.)
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
E- Dad’s in charge of it
Dad- The boys don’t but I connect with some folks on youtube and FB. We are pretty cautious and purposeful about what we put out and on what platforms we use.
What’s an average day like for you guys?
Dad- Just that.. Average. Boys have school, projects, classes, and music lessons. We try to get in about an hour of music a day whether just jamming by themselves or with each other. Lots of breaks for beach time, scootering, chores, and eating non-stop.
E- Well I wake up then I eat then read then we play soccer then we eat.
Then we go to the beach then we go in the water then we come back then we do more reading then we play music then we go to sleep.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?
E- that’s hard. But here it goes. Kind of the same but more reading and more singing. And, I hope that I can see my friends again.
Dad – No one is looking that far here, all anyone wants is Covid to end so they can hang w their friends again and maybe go back to school. …but in 5 years? Who knows. So much changes just in 5 days.
Very True!! How has this whole music career experience been for you guys?
E- good!
Dad- It has been amazing. Cameron played over 480 shows for SOR. I would check in with him every night to make sure he was still having fun. 100 shows 400 shows… all the same, he would be glowing with a huge smile. I heard “I think we had our best show tonight!” And the same when they perform together. Every show is different and tons of fun. Seeing the boys work together and support each other as a band has been truly inspiring.
Do you have any advice for aspiring music artists?
E- Do it if you enjoy it. If you enjoy it, then it doesn’t feel like work.
Dad – What E said!
Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
Dad- Thanks for the support and thanks for staying positive. Hopefully, the boys will be able to perform live again soon. Until then, we will keep posting new tunes and videos as often as we can.
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview 🙂
You’re welcome, ROCK ON! (both dad and E)