How do you want your art to be remembered?
Oh wow, I don’t plan to leave anytime soon but when i am gone I would like my art to be remembered as striking or unique in a sense. When i am creating art, my focus has always been to capture the attention of the viewer. Whether it be through the actions of a talent or the creativeness of the production. My goal is to simply satisfy the viewer through my visuals.
How have you felt most appreciated as a creative and artist?
I think being a creative visual artist has given me a medium to really express myself through my work in ways that i really find it difficult through any other means. When i create content for a client and they really appreciate the creativity and thought put into each and every piece, that feeling alone is satisfying enough to feel appreciated.
Who have been your strongest allies in your career?
My strongest allies would have to be my family. Growing up, they really set the bar for me and i work hard every day to follow suit. They have been through it all with me and it’s been one hell of a ride. I’ve always had their moral support and that has carried all the way until now. My friends also play a huge role in my journey as a creative. Without family and close friends, i wouldn’t be where i am today.
What do you see as the most important part of your journey?
There are many reasons why i do what i do today. But the most important part is proving to myself and others that being and staying successful can be done. Even when growing up in a city where the statistics of ever becoming something for yourself are very low. Everything is possible if you work out a plan and stay loyal to yourself.
Please tell us about your latest project and how we can get involved!
There are a few major projects that we are currently working on. One that particularly stands out is working closely with TLS Records in New York and Los Angeles for 3 of their signed talented artists along with DJ Mike Claw in France. We are to film a music video involving so much talent all in one video! This video will be instrumental for all of their careers and it’s of great pleasure to be directing it. It would be amazing if TMI would love to feature this for us!
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