January 14, 2025


  • So Rio, What inspired you to start playing piano? How would you describe your musical style? What artists have influenced your musical style? What pianists do you look up to?
When I was 5, my parents put me in piano lessons. I started in a group class with my friend, and then private lessons. I’m more inspired than when I was little, because music is beginning to play a huge role in my life. I play classical music. I tried jazz, but its not my thing. I like playing classical. As for the music I like to listen to, I can’t give you one answer! I like EDM, alternative rock, punk rock, etc. Basically anything with a good beat or a good riff. As for my piano, I’m very fluid with my songs, I change a lot, so picking my favorite pianist is a tough one. But for right now, my favorite is Frederic Chopin. He composed one of my favorite classical songs of all time, Fantasie Impromptu. I also love Rachmaninov.
  • One of your biggest accomplishments in your career was most likely you playing at Carnegie Hall. Can you describe that whole experience?
Looking back,  it is the most mind blowing experience ever! I mean, it’s Carnegie Hall! It was such an honor to perform. After the concert, I said, “Mom, can we go get pizza now?” I mean, I was 9. I performed twice there- But if I went back now, I bet the story will be different. I’d probably be more nervous.
  • You also like to compose EDM in your free time. Whats your reason for composing music?
I’ve been a BIG FAN of EDM ever since the creation of this record label called Monstercat. They’ve been a HUGE inspiration for me and they’re one of the reasons why I make EDM. I was hooked when I heard their artists. All their songs were brilliant and unique. 
  • Will you be releasing any of your EDM music soon?
You bet your bucket I am. I actually have a song out right now, with Champions of Justice called “Rio and Fugue.” It’s a remix of a classic~
And I’ve just finished a track with Kezwik coming out soon! keep your ears open 
  • You also have a massive following on instagram close to 200K followers. How did you gain such a huge following on that app?
I think the Nickelodeon and Disney shows I was on were super popular all over world. I also post piano videos and pictures from my life.
  • What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
Instagram, definitely. I use Twitter too, but I have gained too many followers on Insta! haha! I’m very grateful for the amount of followers I have.
  • You have a really impressive acting resume. You have been on See Dad Run, Good Luck Charlie, and now you have a recurring role in Bella And The Bulldogs. How does it feel to have a recurring role on a hit Nickeldeon show?
Thank you. In season 2 of Bella and the Bulldogs, I was actually a season regular. It was a blast being a part of the Nick family.
  • What actor/actress are you influenced by?
  • Have you ever been starstruck by someone? If so when,where, and who was it?
I was at the Oscars, and I wanted to take a selfie with Margot Robbie but I was afraid. Lol (but my Dad won ac Oscar that night so it was a great night)
  • What’s an average day for “Rio Mangini” look like?
Right now I’m in school, I got to a half day school, then afterwards, its homework, auditions, piano practice, script reading, video games, and sleep. I sometimes work out with my trainer, and sometimes I work on Ableton Live 9 Standard and start creatin’ my music.
  • What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
I want to become a music producer and continue acting. I want to do big action films like Marvel.  In the future, I would also like to make scores for films. That would be super cool.
  • How has this whole music career and acting career experience been? Last question, Do you have any advice for aspiring music artists?
It’s phenomenal. I’m so lucky I can do both of my passions. Sometimes they use my piano in the script, which is awesome, and I can do anything with my music. This may sound cliche, but the sky’s the limit- and I’m just getting started! 
  • Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with me. 
Thank you very much!
 I have some new shows coming out soon and I just wrapped a movie- so please follow me @riomangini on Instagram/Twitter for the latest! thanks !
Photo Source: Ben Miller

