Hi Olivia! Thanks for being here today! What is an achievement you are proud of achieving this year?
I reached my goal of having 100k followers on Instagram!
What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
I learned that it’s good to slow down sometimes and just enjoy what you have around you. We were forced to do that and it made me realize what’s really important in life.
What is one underdeveloped talent you are willing to explore?
I would love to explore dancing more as well as potentially acting.
How would you like to celebrate your goals being met?
By making bigger goals! Haha, that and being able to have a little vacation with family where you can really unplug.
What activities would you like to add to your routine to help you manage stress this year?
I need to make sure I am consistently making time to exercise. It’s so good not only physically but mentally.
What advice would you like to give yourself as you begin the New Year?
Don’t be too hard on yourself but keep your foot on the gas!
If you could throw a “themed” party for yourself, what would the theme be?
I’m obsessed with the ’50s and their music so I would love to do a ’50s themed party!
Please tell our readers where they can follow you!
Come hang out with me on my Instagram live streams every day! www.instagram.com/
Thank you for your time!
For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.