February 8, 2025

You’ve been busy making music recently. Can you tell us what you’ve been up to over the past few months?

Justin: In the best way possible the making of the album has consumed our lives *laughs*

Slavo: Even on our off days on our recent college tour run we found ourselves in the studio. We’ve been so motivated to put out a real body of work and the time has finally come.

Fly By Midnight’s Rerunning album, available now on Spotify, Apple Music & Soundcloud

Where did your love of music come from?

Justin: For me it was always just what I was good at. Never was much of an athlete. Always connected to creative writing and theatrical performances. Fly By Midnight became the perfect balance of the two.

Slavo: I caught the music bug early on when my older brother had first started a band. I practiced guitar day in and day out to be a part of that band. That motivation transitioned to producing and then led me to Justin and of course FBM.

What has been your reaction to all the success you have been having?

Justin: We’re just so dedicated to being inspired and creating the best music we can lately there hasn’t been time to really react to the growth of the project. When we have those moments to reflect though it’s unreal. We still sometimes can’t believe people are buying tickets to shows and streaming our music.

What do you hope to gain out of your music career?

Slavo: Justin and I just want to build a foundation that can allow us to make music for the rest of our lives. A world tour has also been a dream of mine and I know we’re on that path.

You guys are releasing your new album Friday!! How did the idea for this new album come about?

Justin: It’s pretty unreal how it all came together. We had reservations about putting out a full length just because we live in this age of singles, but we decided it was time to give something different.

Slavo: Fans have been asking for something bigger for awhile too and we heard them. What I love about the album is it’s essentially 9 singles because that’s how we originally created the music. The idea of putting them out together came very last second.

Can you tell us about the concept of the new album?

Slavo: The album is titled Rerunning, inspired by a conversation we had in Starbucks. We were discussing how the record as a whole made us feel and we realized the real story behind each song started and ended quite similarly. The past two years we’ve been in these romantic loops. Like a rerun of a television show.

Have you had any fun moments while creating the album?

Justin: There’s a ton. Throughout writing songs like “Loving Yous A Little Bit Hard Sometimes” and “Ain’t Got Much To Go” there were these moments where we got so excited we were putting on a full concert to no one in our studio. Those songs in particular just evoked this old school rock feel that we had never touched before.

What’s the process of writing one of your songs?

Slavo: It always varies. A lot of the time Justin will come in with a phrase or a title. I’ll start a production that excites us. If both click then the song kind of writes itself before we know it.

What’s been you favorite song to write and why?

Slavo: I’d say a tie between “Just Say It” and “Loving Yous A Little Bit Hard Sometimes”. Both just real writing sessions where I think we got everything we wanted to say into the songs.

Justin: I think “Ain’t Got Much To Go” has to be mine. The chorus was a bit hard to nail down. Probably one of the only songs we had a couple of sessions to figure out, but the verses was such a real experience I was living at the time. Made that creative process very in the now.

You have a few shows coming up, What have you been doing to prepare for them?

Justin: Yup, we just announced the official album show December 6th @ City Winery in Soho. We’ve really been putting in the time to make each song even more of an experience live.

Slavo: We hope to bring the show across the states very soon as well.

What’s your favorite part about performing?

Slavo: I’d say seeing the energy of the tracks connecting to us and a crowd live. That’s really the epitome of creating music today. Bringing it to a venue and watching it come to life.

What song are you most excited to perform from this new album?

Justin: I’d say “You Belong”. We played it before it was out at Firefly Festival and even then it seemed to resonate. Now especially after the love it’s gotten out of the gates I’m really stoked to see how it connects to an audience.

What does it feel like to perform your own music live in front of your supporters?

Slavo: Like I said it’s the epitome of why we’re making music. It’s still the most real form of appreciating your favorite artist/song.

Justin: Agreed 100%.

How has this whole music career experience been?

Justin: A ride going 1000 mph.

Slavo: An opportunity we continue to be more and more grateful for every day.

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Justin: Hearing your thoughts on the music and especially getting to meet you is the most rewarding part of this.

Slavo: For sure. Never be shy to reach out or stop us in the street 🙂

Watch Their New Video That Came Out TODAY!!


