January 12, 2025

Singer, Actress, and Songwriter Maya J Talks With TMI About Her New Single “Like You” & What She Has In Store This Summer!!!

How would you describe your musical style?

My personal music style is minor-toned, moody pop with an R&B flare. Lyrically ambiguous, smooth, and a little sultry. Overall a pop sound though. 🙂  

You recently released your newest single “Like You”, what has been your thought about the reaction of the new single?

So far, the new single is doing well. It’s my highest stream count for the amount of time of any of my singles thus far, so that’s good. I’m hearing people say that it’s pretty, emotional, and beautiful… so I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness. The song was just sent out to U.S. radio today, so I hope even more people like it around the whole country and even around the world, because it’s available overseas too. Stay tuned for the “Like You” Music Video! You can get updates on that through my official site and any of my social media.

Can you tell us the meaning behind “Like You”?

“Like You” is basically a story I wrote one night, about a girl who is standing up to the evils in the world. It’s emotional. It might sound sad, but it’s actually about strength. Claiming to be “nothing like” people who try to tear others down is so positive to me,  because it shows that it is possible to stay strong even after you’ve been connected with horrible people in the past.

How did the idea for this song come about?

The idea for the song ties into what I said about the strength, but to go further: Some people don’t believe in you, some people try to make you doubt yourself, and some people try to tear you down. BUT – those are just the sucky people who are unfortunately a part of this crazy world. I don’t want to be anything like those people. I want to be loving, encouraging, kind, and understanding. I would hope that more people what to be the best they can be. We all have faults and flaws, but kindness and good intentions are important. Like You can also be sung to vent about a man who will never grow up, or a terrible ex-manager, a bad teacher, an estranged parent, an abusive relationship, or literally anything we’ve overcome. If your heart feels that it relates to anything you’ve gone through, then it can be about that. I want and hope that everyone can feel this record in their own way, and relate to it however they see fit.

Any fun moments while creating the song?

Creating this song during the writing process was wonderful. It came out of me so smoothly and I knew exactly what I wanted to say. Creating the record during the production process was um… interesting and kinda crazy! Sometimes when you have a specific vision, and a specific type of songwriting or artistry, it’s hard for the engineers and producers to understand that. As a songwriter, sometimes I’m like “no, that’s not how I wrote it”, so I get a little bit territorial obviously. At the end of it though, it is very pleasing, and very rewarding once it’s all done. This is a business with serious highs and lows, but ultimately when you realize that you’ve created music that people feel something from and fall in love with, then all of the frustration disappears. You know when people are clicking the replay button that it is meant to be.

Are you planning to perform your new song live anytime soon?

I definitely am. I hope to be performing this one very soon. I’m working out the entire set with all of my songs, and when we have the right venues, I’ll be announcing any and all of my performances/shows on my website , thisismayajenkins.com, and on my instagram @mayapapayalove . If you subscribe to my website, you’ll receive exclusive updates and BTS material.

What does it feel like to perform your own music live in front of your fans and supporters ?

So fun and rewarding. People are really inspired and show you love when you share your music in that way, and it feels almost completely euphoric.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans ?

I want them to know me, know my music, follow my acting career, and connect with my personality! I want them to feel like when they comment on my social media, that I’ll reply as best as I can. I also want fans to know – and everyone truthfully –  that no matter what I do or what I say, I NEVER want anyone’s feelings hurt, and I never want to hurt someone. I feel like when people know that about you, they’ll be more willing to just say “hey, what you said or did wasn’t cool,” and give you the opportunity to apologize instead of just hating you, and changing their status from fan to official hater. I just want to be open and authentically myself, and I want people that follow me to be inspired to be authentically themselves, and stand up for what they believe in, just as I do.

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

This is not exactly crazy (thank goodness), but it’s totally cute. One day a few months ago, The CUTEST little girl ran up to me in Target, said “Hi Maya!”, hugged me, and told me that I had nice hair. 🙂 I loved that moment. I actually couldn’t believe it, and it felt so amazing to have someone that you don’t know appreciate you because they loved art you created. I think that was actually my first true fan encounter. That’s wild. It took me a moment before I realized that she probably knows me from Disney when my “Come Find Me” and the interview first aired. I love fan enthusiasm too. It’s just beautiful to me.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?

Well, mainly instagram right now. I think everyone is so over twitter, and I’m like, “No! Come Back!” lol, because I kinda like twitter. But Anyway yes, IG is where you’ll hear everything first.

Do you have any last things you want to tell readers and your fans?

I really want everyone to feel like they are important, special and meant to be here on earth. No matter what you have to cultivate about yourself to build a good life, you can cultivate that, and if you work hard at it, you will be successful and happy. I also want to ask from the bottom of my heart, please treat others kindly. You never know what a smile or a held door means to someone.

What is your official fanbase name?

Glitter Bombs, or Sparklers. It has to include being sparkly, so one of those. I hope that as time goes on, fans just start saying one of them, and it sticks with us permanently.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with us.

Thank You! I love you all at Teen Music Insider 🙂 XO – Maya

Listen To Maya’s New Single “Like You” HERE:


Stay Connected To Maya Jenkins:

Twitter: everythingmayaj

Instagram: mayapapayalove


