Your new single, “Show and Tell” is amazing. How did the idea for this song come about? & Can you tell us the meaning behind the name “Show and Tell”?
Thank you so much! The idea for Show and Tell came to me actually four years ago and the lyrics just poured out of me when I wrote it. I remember looking at the lyrics I wrote and the line “Show and Tell” in the first verse always stood out to me. After we finished production, there was talks about naming it “Fine” or “I’m Fine” but it just didn’t feel right. “Show and Tell” captures the essence of the emotion and the song on a deeper level. “Show and Tell” is something we do at school as kids. It’s the act of bringing something to light and telling others about it…which is what the song is about to me. At first listen, the song is about trying to convince myself and everyone else, that I’m “fine”…but the irony is that the lyrics are very personal and instead of masking my emotions, it’s all brought to the surface for everyone to hear. It’s vulnerable and empowering all at once.
What has been your thought about the reaction of the song?
I have been overwhelmed by the love and support that has already been shown for “Show and Tell”. It is the craziest feeling to write a song for yourself and then have total strangers tell you that they connect to it. I wouldn’t trade that feeling for the world.
What’s the process of writing one of your songs?
Inspiration comes to me from unexpected places. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and picked a topic to write about and have a good song come from it. I have to let life around me inspire my lyrics. I usually start writing at the most random times and I will put ideas into the notes on my phone or sing into my voice memos and sort them out when I get home.
We loved the music video for “Show and Tell” & our readers have been loving it too!! How did the idea for this music video come about?
Thank you! I’m so amazed by the video’s response. My team and I really wanted to bring the message of the song to life in a visual way. We wanted to use real women with real connection to the song. We all fight our own battles and the way we react or show our emotions is what makes us us. We can all sing the same song but sing it so differently. That feeling of being alone but together is what inspired the video.
Any fun moments while creating the music video?
We had a lot of fun, just all girls being together. The women did such an amazing job at keeping the emotion up on camera. One funny moment was when it became my turn to shoot. We have a couple shots where we had a camera on a track and they would push the camera in circles around us while we were singing. Every girl looked beautiful and did great during the shot…until me. I could not keep a straight face watching the videographer guys running in a circle around me. Everyone in the room went from being in a serious, emotional zone to dying laughing at my inability to be mature.
Do you have a creative say in your music and videos?
I’m very involved in every aspect of my music. I write all my own songs and I work with an amazing producer that lets me have a big say in all the production as well. I have an incredible video team that has shot and come up with the ideas for a couple of the videos. Even when I wasn’t directing or writing the video concepts, I got to be involved in every aspect of those as well and it makes the experience so creative and enjoyable.
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
I am currently preparing to shoot another music video for a brand new single that I wrote this year. This one has a pretty different vibe than the other songs I’ve released recently, and I’m very excited for everyone to hear it.
What’s an average day like for you?
Well everyday starts with coffee. Other than that I don’t really have a set routine anymore because I travel a lot. When I’m home, my days usually consist of tacos, recording or writing music, and always more coffee.
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?
I use Instagram mostly to stay connected. You can follow me @themasonashley!
Why do you think social media is so important for artists today?
Social Media is very beneficial for artists to promote their music and stay in contact with their fans. I personally am not a huge fan of living in the social media age, but as a writer, it is so inspiring to be able to connect with strangers that are passionate about my music.
Do you have any last things to tell your supporters?
I just want to say THANK YOU! The love I get from total strangers is something I will never get used to and I just feel so blessed to connect with people in that way.