July 26, 2024

Tell us more about your new single “Y”!!


This new single “Y” is the first of 3 songs that I plan to release this year. My idea for “Y” was to create something totally different yet keep it true to who I am as an artist. I definitely tried some new things with this song and tried to step out of my songwriting comfort zone. As “Y” was written during the pandemic, I actually created the song over zoom with my producers, Kuya Productions, which was a really unique experience. 

As for the message of the song, “Y” was written about doubting a relationship. For me, that meant a relationship with a few of my close friends who I suddenly realized didn’t have as much in common with me as I thought. Hopefully other can relate to the song as well! 

How excited were you to finally release this single?


I was beyond excited to release this! It feels like something so new and different than all of my other music that I couldn’t wait to release it into the world. I think that people are going to like the side of myself that I showcase in the song. Hopefully “Y” hypes them up for the next 2 songs coming soon!  

What is the greatest part of being an independent artist? 


I think the greatest part about being an independent artist is the control you have over your career. Getting to chose when you release your music is fun because I can be quite an impatient person:) I’ve heard stories of artists waiting years to release their work and waiting that long would be difficult because you may be in a completely different state of mind than when you wrote it!

What is the most challenging part? 


The most challenging part about being an Independent artist is the managing everything yourself. Although this allows me to have more control, it also puts on more pressure as I need to be managing the different aspects of my career. For example instead of handing off something like distribution, I need to find a distributer myself (with my mom/manager of course) and make sure everything runs smoothly.  

How do you balance your professional career and private life? 


I think balancing a social life and your career is more difficult than it seems, yet people underestimate it’s importance. I believe that a good balance of the two allows you to be productive yet maintain your sanity with a little bit of fun. Let’s just say I’m very used to turning down plans because of singing conflicts. Don’t get me wrong though, I love singing and would spend every waking hour working if I could! 

If you could share the stage with any artist who would it be and why? 


If I could share the stage with any artist it would probably be Shawn Mendes. When I was 12, I went to his concert and it continues to inspire me 4 years later. The way he switched seamlessly from guitar to piano inspired me to start learning guitar (now my favourite instrument). On top of that, his songs never disappoint and I truly admire his work ethic. 

Please share your IG link and thank you for spending time with us.


Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me today! 

