February 7, 2025

How did you first get started onto social media?

I started on social media a few years back as a way to share what I love to do and connect with others.

Who inspired you to try music?

I feel like music has always just been a big part of my life. I think I was just born wanting to sing, apparently the nurses commented on my very very strong lungs right after I was born. I really can’t remember a time when I wasn’t singing or playing a guitar!

How did you get into guitar?

I’ve always loved the guitar and I think it was when I was around 2 that I started carrying one around and then when I was old enough I started learning to play it.

What other instruments do you play?

I also play the piano

What would you say is your favorite instrument? Why?

I love them both but the guitar is like a friend that goes with me everywhere

Did you want to be a singer when you were little, or did that develop later on?

Oh definitely when I was little. I was always singing and by the age of 5 I was already performing all over the country.

Are you wanting to get more involved in singing?

Yes it is such a big part of who I am and to me music is a gift that was given to me so I want it to be something I do for as long as I can!

How would you describe your musical style?

I love so many different genres, but I’m probably more pop and pop/rock

What’s your favorite song to perform live?

Hello by Adele. I really love to sing ballads and hers are the best!

Are there any artists that you look up to right now?

I love Adele, Bruno Mars, Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes. I really appreciate their talent and how hard they work.

Have you ever been starstruck by anyone you’ve met so far?

Well I have to say one of the best experiences I had was meeting James Valentine from Maroon 5. He is an amazing guitarist and a really good tennis player. We ended up playing tennis and then guitar together at the IMG Academy.

Can we expect any new music soon? If so can you spill some details about them?

Oh yes I am in the studio now and I can’t wait to share it with everyone very soon! Can’t say too much yet but it’s coming!

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

I am working on some exciting projects details coming soon.

What are your friends and parents thoughts on your career in singing and social media?

I’m really blessed to have great friends who really support me and that means alot to me! My parents are amazing, they have always supported me in everything I do! When I was ready to come to LA they packed up and moved to support my dream.

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

My goal always stays the same: Put God first, work hard, help others and then I will get where I need to be

What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment so far in your career as a singer and social media star?

When I was younger I was on the Wendy Williams Show and that was such an amazing experience! I also had the opportunity to do a Ted Talk about overcoming obstacles and that will always be really important to me because I got the chance to share my story and experience
with others!

Overall, how has this whole singing and social media career experience been for you?

So far it has been great! I have been able to do some really cool stuff and meet amazing people along the way! I am excited to see what comes next!

Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a singer?

Don’t Stop! Not matter what keep going! There’s a qoute by Frank A. Clark that I use in my life, esecially when it seems like things are hard: A path with no obstacles probably doesn’t lead anywhere. There have been times in my life where it seemed like I was going to have to give up on my dream but I’ve learned that obstacles just mean you are on the right path. I’m sure there will be plenty more but I’m just going to keep going!

You also do a lot of cover songs. What’s the process of choosing a cover song for you to sing? What was your favorite cover song to

It’s always different. Sometimes I like the sound of the song and other times it is because I like the message in the song. My favorite so far was She Talks To Angels by the Black Crows. It’s an older song but I just loved the soulfullness and the message that is inside of it.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?


How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

I hope to always stay close and connected with my fans and to be a positive influence for them

Does your fan base have a name?

Not yet but I were to give them a name maybe it would be “Stormwatchers”

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

Well when I was younger a group of girls just came and picked me up and carried me off to take pictures with me after a performance.

Do you have any other talents other than singing and social media?

I am a competitive tennis player. I trained for 4 years at the IMG academy in Bradenton, Florida and I still train and do tournaments. I also play ping pong and chess and dance

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?

Grateful, Hardworking,, Giving, Scrappy, Musical

If your life was a movie, what would be the title?

Eye of The Storm

Who would you want to play you?

Not sure since I’m still pretty young we will have to wait and see in a few years

You recently started working with well known songwriters and producers in LA, whats it been like working with these talented people and what do you hope to gain from working with them?

It has been great! I can’t believe all the talent that is out here! I feel really fortunate to have all the opportunities that are coming my way! I hope to continue working with and learing from all these talented people!

Your family just moved out to LA, what do you hope to gain from moving here?

Yes we moved about a month ago and it is crazy how fast time goes out here and how busy it is! We just decided as a family that this is the best place for me to pursue my dream. I hope to continue doing what I love to do, keep working hard, entertaining others and let’s see where it all leads!

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?

Yes! Thanks so much for all of your love and support! It means everything to me!

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview!

Thank you for taking time to interview me!

