July 26, 2024

Hey Drake! So excited to be chatting with you. What inspired you to pursue a career in the arts?

Thanks for having me! The arts for me are essential, like breathing, if I am not creating something that can connect to or inspire others then I feel like I am not doing my job as a human. I am a music lover. I worship certain sounds and artist so it got to a point where I had to just say “you know what, I want to see what I can make”.

Are there any projects in the works you can tell us about?

I have a music video releasing on the 20th of this month so make sure you check it out on YouTube when it releases. You can expect a project from me before the year ends as well.

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career?

My goal is to not get skipped when my song comes on shuffle in the car. I think that’s proof that you made something worth listening to.

What’s your favorite part about being an artist?

You get a pass to be reclusive af. I have a very close circle of friends, I like to maintain my privacy. People leave me alone when i’m working on music or painting.

Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a singer or model?

My career in music has just begun and I am sure I have a lot to learn but for now all I can say is when you are making your music and describing your music, mean what you are saying when you say it. Emotion and confidence go a long way. As far as modeling, learn to embrace rejection. Belief in yourself will take you farther than any agency or runway can.

Do you have any other talents other than singing or modeling?

Yes I paint abstract/contemporary art pieces and I am an avid rock climber.

What led you to try modeling?

I first became interested in fashion and from there it seemed like the obvious next step to get closer to the brands and the designers that I wanted to work with.

What’s your process of writing an original song?
I usually start on the production side, creating an atmosphere first, and then the lyrics are like filling in the atmosphere with details and context. My writing is a combination of real things I’ve been through and moments and feelings I feel the need to explore and understand more. 
What would you say is your favorite thing to do? Modeling or singing?
I definitely prefer singing because it has more substance.  Modeling is cool but you are doing it for someone else and with singing I am doing it for me, for my soul.

Do you have any other passions other than singing or modeling?

Yes I paint abstract and contemporary art. It is something I love and it is just as therapeutic as making music for me. I feel like painting is very similar to music, painting is composing something for sight and music is for sound but the same process and the same payoff.

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?

I don’t exist without supporters so if you support me than you are the reason I keep going. If you’re a fan you’re a friend.

