February 6, 2025

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Up and coming musician Sammy Wilk headed out Sunday with his opening act Ty Alaxandar to finish off the summer tour with Digi. Their first stop was Pittsburgh.


If you haven’t already witnessed Sam perform, he is definitely someone you want to put on your list to see. He’s energetic and constantly has a smile on his face. You see the passion and the love the whole time he’s performing.


Sammy is a complete joy to meet as well. Don’t let his cool guy image fool you. He’s one of the most down-to-earth people there are and he’s out there because he wants to share his music and spread positive vibes to us fans.


If you don’t know Sam very well one thing that is great about him is he’s a family guy. He always has family with him and on this tour he his sister Emily. Emily also loves meeting fans as well. So as summer comes to an end and you’re thinking of going to one or two last concerts before dreaded school starts make sure you put Digi Tour on your list because Sam will treat you like family.


