You started your acting career at a young age, what inspired you to begin acting?
I noticed how much I loved my family’s movie nights, and I found myself trying to act like the characters I liked in them. I didn’t know a whole lot about acting, I just knew I wanted to be a part of the whole filmmaking process.
What was your favorite role to play and why?
My favorite role to play has been Kennedy. I just filmed the pilot and it was a lot of fun to play the instigator, who starts all the drama. Kennedy is very cute and small, so it’s a lot of fun to turn around and be the reason there’s conflict in the show!
What actor/actress are you influenced by?
I have always loved Sandra Bullock! She has such an incredible range, and she kills everything from Miss Congeniality to Gravity! I’m so excited to see her in her new film, and I swear the woman doesn’t age!
You recently were cast in a recurring role in a CRYPT TV mini series. Can you tell us about this new project of yours?
The series is called “Mohawk” and I play Estelle, the ghost that haunts the town! It’s a thrilling little horror series, and was a lot of fun to play one of CRYPT TV’s monsters! You can watch the series on their Facebook page.
What inspired you to start singing?
As a little girl, I would always hum whatever song was stuck in my head. My Mom caught on to this and put me in voice lessons. I have literally not stopped singing since.
How would you describe your musical style?
I would say my style is a pop/R&B mix!
Are there any artists you look up to right now?
I have been a huge fan of Ariana Grande’s vocals for years, but as I learn more and more about my artistry I’ve noticed I listen to more music by Kehlani, Bazzi, etc.
Can we expect any new music soon? If so can you spill some details about them?
Yes! I’m working on an ep right now. My goal was to make it pretty diverse so everyone has a song they vibe with. I’m excited to see which songs people mostly respond to!
What are your friends and parents thoughts on your career in singing and acting?
My family has been 100% supportive of my career since the day I started! As well as my friends, we help each other self-tape and work on scripts!
What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
My main goal is to reach people through my work. Whether they vibe with my music and can relate to my lyrics, or they see what film I’ve done and are inspired to create something themselves! My goals for the future are to be touring and performing my music, and making huge films and eventually directing my own.
Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as a singer or actor?
Consistency, consistency, consistency. Seriously, no matter where you are in your career, if you don’t give 100% with everything you do, there will always be someone who will.
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
I use Instagram mostly, but I encourage people to add me on snapchat too!
Does your fan base have a name?
Not yet! I’d love to see what they come up with in the future!
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
I had one enthusiastic fan, who would write me and make me videos every single day, multiple times a day.
What’s an average day for you look like?
I don’t really have an average day, my schedule is constantly changing. One day I could be in the studio and the next I could be on set!
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?
Stay tuned! I have some really cool projects in the works for you guys!:)