February 6, 2025

1. You started your acting career at a very young age, what inspired you to try acting at all?

My parents used to take me to all the theater shows in Chicago and I wanted to be just like the people on stage. I always loved performing for anyone and everyone.

2. What actors/actresses are you influenced by?

I am influenced by Kate Hudson and Mila Kunis. They are such great actresses in all their movies, and are so down to earth off camera and I love that about them.

3. Can you tell us all about your new show “L.A. Story”? – What is the show about? Co-stars? When is it airing? Etc.

Awesomeness TV’s show, L.A. Story basically follow the lives of a group of friends, including me!. We are all pretty fortunate to grow up in such a beautiful place right outside the LA area and go to an amazing private school. We all go to the same school, with the exception of one. I am the youngest of the group, with the rest being juniors and one senior. It is filled with fun, adventure and teen drama. There are new episodes every Thursday on the app GO90!

4. Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

I actually have a documentary film coming out in Spring 2017 that I worked on. It’s about popular instagrammers around the world.

5. Have you ever been starstruck by someone? If so when, where and who was it?

I usually don’t get starstruck by anyone really, but I actually went on a hike to film a dance video and I saw Kate Hudson! I was so excited and anxious that I didn’t say anything!

6. Kaylyn, you also dance. What’s your favorite style of dance and why?

My favorite style of dance is jazz-funk! I love this style because I really get to show my personality and love to express myself through dance.

7. Do you dance competitively?

Yes! I started competitively dancing about 4 years ago!

8. Since you are only 15, How do you manage school with acting, dancing, and modeling? – Are you homeschooled?

I am not homeschooled! I manage my time pretty wisely… usually! It does get a little overwhelming at times, but I balance all of them by not procrastinating and being on top of things.

9. How often do you post on your social media accounts? What do you think is the right amount of times a day to post a picture on instagram or a tweet on twitter?

I really don’t have a specific system or method to posting! I kind of just randomly post if there is something I want to share with my followers.

10. What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

I definitely use Instagram the most to stay connected with my fans!

11. You have a huge following on instagram- over 500K followers. How did you gain that many followers on the app?

When I first started my Instagram, I was in many commercials that were running on tv at that time. People recognized me from that. The dance world is also pretty big, and I began getting recognized. Lastly, when the ‘popular page’ replaced the ‘explore page’, almost every photo I would post would be on that page and would be seen around the world. I gained a lot of followers from there. I wish they would’ve changed it to explore.

12. What’s your favorite filter to use on instagram?

I rarely use a filter on Instagram, but if I do it would probably have to be one of the filters to brighten the photo.

13. What’s an average day for “Kaylyn Slevin” look like?

Wake up. Equinox (gym). School. Dance. Homework. Filming and auditioning here and there.

14. How has this whole acting career experience been?

It had been an amazing experience for me. I have been fortunate to book a lot of jobs. I am looking forward to many more and am extremely excited!

15. What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

I strive to maintain an A/B+ average in school. I am in the early stages of developing a fashion line, which I would love to launch in 2018.

16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?

Five years from now, I see myself attending FIDM and owning my own fashion line. Also, possibly being on an NFL or NBA dance team.

17. Last question, What advice can you give my followers about how to make yourself standout as an actor?

To standout as an actor, make sure you say grounded and humble, don’t forget who you are and where you came from, and always be extremely respectful and professional to everyone.

We just wanted to say thank you again for doing this interview with us and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

Thank you so much for having me! I loved answering all your questions that you had for me!


If You Enjoyed The Interview Make Sure To Follow Kaylyn On Instagram & Watch Her New Show, “LA Story”!!

Photo Source: Alex Kruk

