January 18, 2025

Can you tell us what you’ve been up to over the past few months?

So busy! As mentioned in our one on one last time, we were working on my own network. Well, we are now launching this coming August. It’s officially called, Brandon TV and there’s several shows in development for our first slate. We are collaborating with various different show runners, producers and writers to bring forth new content all the time. Our first series films in July and will proceed to launch the brand in August. That show is actually the number one competition web series in America. It will run from August to the end of the year, where we will then launch our next series, “Rusty Camel.”

You were just announced as the returning celebrity judge for the second season of the wildly successful online singing competition show “Shine!” How excited are you to be a judge again?

I’m beyond excited. You never know what can happen from season to season. I did create the show and also executive produce, but I never rule out stepping away from the panel. It’s whatever is best for the show. The other producers of the show have even mentioned rotating me into the hosting position. For me, it’s hard to give up that mentorship with these singers though. It’s a special kind of feeling. And let’s be honest, we have to have at least one blunt one on the panel right? Fortunately for me, the public agreed that I was a key component to the mix. So I stuck. When I signed with Awesomenesstv and we started discussing ways of bringing this show onboard Brandon TV, they’re were all for it. Now it’s going to launch the entire brand during the premiere August 14th!

What advice would you give for anyone wanting to try out?

Be yourself. We’re just in our second season and we had no idea that we would become this popular. Businesses are asking how they can take part and everyone is wanting to get involved. I think it’s because of how genuine our intentions are. If you’re a singer and truly want to take music seriously, our platform is for you. Come in, don’t think too much and show us what you’ve got. It only takes one opportunity to change your life forever.

Who are the judges on the show?

I’m returning with Grammy affiliated artist, Ashthon Jones. We’re joined this year by firecracker and rapping sensation, 2’Live Bre who’s going to be an incredible coach for these singers. He’s the first rapper we’ve ever had sit on the panel so getting his perspective from the hip hop world is going to be valuable. Thinking about it now, between us three, these singers better bring their A game that’s all I’m saying.

Can you spill any details on what supporters can look forward to on the show?

Shine is a series so different from the other karaoke shows out there. People are so used to these mainstream competitions and I have to be honest, I’m over it. We want to see star power. Any big band singer can cover a song from a Grammy winner, but not every singer can song write and then sell that song to an audience of their own. We teach them to do that. From launching their music online to putting the pen to paper and telling their story. I believe that’s what America wants to see now and that’s why we’ve gained the popularity we have. I mean when you binge Shine, you’re literally invited behind the scenes, to watch a singer put the building blocks of his/her own career together. We are still in the early phases of the competition’s life, but this show is already a hit. We’re conquering the digital platform and now with the support of my team at Awesomeness and Viacom, the sky is the limit. I’m telling you, this show is on fire.

Where can people find more information about the show and the auditions?

We stay active on our social media. It’s @SHINEsings across all platforms. If you stay engaged online, you’ll stay up to date week to week. To watch the series you’ll need to subscribe to Brandon TV at www.youtube.com/branmstew. Currently, the audition tour is upon us and we’re going to Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. So there’s still time to be apart of the show.

You also have a bunch of other content coming out on BRANDON TV! Can you spill any details on what you have in the works?

If you check out our Brandon TV website tab at www.officialbrandonstewart.com/brandontv then you can read up on everything in the works currently. It’s literally everything from a political talk show to a high school drama. It ranges from various reality programs to comedies. We look to make good quality content. We’re not too worried about the views or the subscribers right now, we know we’re just building a portfolio. All of our shows will be backdoor pilots and all of our shows will be homeruns. Mark my words. We take our time in the writers room and when we cast, we make certain the actor is right for the role, for the brand and for the series.

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Engage! Let me know what you love and what you don’t. That’s what helps guide me and my team in the direction that makes our audience most happy. Trust me, we’ve got plenty of ideas so the more you engage with the things you love, the more we will know what to bring back for a season 2, or a season 3 and so on.

