January 18, 2025


Hey guys!! So excited to be chatting with y’all again!!

Andrea-Marie: Yes!  It’s great to be chatting with you too!

Selena-Marie: I’m glad for the chance to chat with you once again!

How’ve you been since last we talked?

Andrea-Marie: We’ve been great, auditioning, dancing and having fun making TikToks

Since the release of your Holiday Film “Holiday Rush”, you guys seem to be doing very well!! What did that movie help y’all with in your career?

Andrea-Marie: Our Netflix movie, “Holiday Rush”, has definitely helped us gain confidence and experience as child actors. 

Selena-Marie: Additionally, the experience is one that we are able to take into every audition.  

You guys must get recognized a lot more in public as well! What was that change like for y’all?

Andrea-Marie: It was pretty easy to adjust because everyone that we’ve met has been so nice. At first we weren’t sure if people would recognize us but a lot of people did. It’s pretty cool. 

Selena-Marie: It’s crazy to us because we would go out to eat or go to the mall and people would ask us for pictures and tell us how much they loved the movie and our characters. 

You guys also recently guest starred on “Madame Secretary” and “Snug’s House”!! What was it like getting to guest star on these well known tv shows?

Andrea-Marie: We’re always excited for every audition and every job we book. Both of those projects were so amazing to work on. 

Selena-Marie: It was fun to work on those shows because the cast and crew were  so wonderful to us. It’s also great to work with my twin!

Personally, would you guys like to do more tv appearances or movie roles?

Andrea-Marie: Oh yes! Every booking is exciting for us, so either one would be a blessing!

Selena-Marie: We would love to do both!

Can you guys spill any hints/details on what y’all have planned for the rest of 2020?

Andrea-Marie:We’re currently in rehearsal for a play that will bring awareness to sensitive topics.

Selena-Marie: We have some fun things planned including the launch of our blog very soon! So stay tuned!

Do you guys have any last things you would like to say to your supporters?

Andrea-Marie: Thank you all for being the best!

Selena-Marie: Thank you to all our fans for being so kind and supportive! We love you guys!!

