February 16, 2025

Hey Alexander! So excited to be chatting with you! You just released your debut single “My Crew” & it’s awesome! It’s so catchy & relatable!! I love it!! What do you hope your supporters will think of the new song?

Hi guys, thanks so much for saying so – the idea was the song stayed with people all day, hopefully in a good way! I am so excited that people can finally hear my music. For years, I have been an actor and in a voice-over booth, but this is my first studio recording project, so I hope people that hear ‘My Crew’ find it a fun song, that they can sing with their friends. It really was designed that way!

Can you tell us the backstory of this song? Is it based on your life with your friends?

For sure, when we were first discussing transitioning into music at the end of last year, there was a lot of banter about what that first song should be about – girls, relationships etc. but I was literally 12 and not quite there with all that, so I asked if we could make a record to celebrate friendships. We all have those best friends who have been by our sides since kindergarten, and I really wanted to celebrate mine who have been with me since day one of living in America. I moved to Los Angeles with my mum when I was 3, and it’s just us, so my school friends are like my family. ‘My Crew’ is the song for me to say thank you. Due to Covid-19, we barely made it in the studio to record it this year, so there isn’t a music video, but we put together a lyric video and my best friends are sprinkled within that – I really hope people enjoy the record and can vibe along with each other. Maybe when school opens again, we will hear kids singing ‘My Crew’ down the hallways. That would be so cool.

You also have more music coming out in 2020!! Can you spill any details on what your supporters can look forward from you later this year?!?

Oh yes, I have caught the music bug!! So, we recorded three records back in May. ‘My Crew’ which released on July 7, then coming up next is ‘Your Smile’ written by Tiana Kocher and Liz Rodriguez on August 8, and then on September 9th ‘Up To You’ written by Alex Jacke and Liz Rodriguez. I am due to get back in the studio for a further three songs – I believe mid-August. Definitely before we are to head back to school. Once those songs have been recorded, I will probably release one of them on October 10 and November 11- there is a kinda pattern to my release schedule. Perhaps I will record a Holiday cover song for December 12. I have an idea of what I want that to be, I just need to ask how to do it!

Do you have a creative say in your music? Did you help write all your new songs?

Yes absolutely I do. On the first round of melody and lyrics I just couldn’t get my head around it. The team went back to the drawing board. Then my mom started to write ideas with me to help out, and with much back and forth, and me saying – “But we don’t do that” or “But I wouldn’t say that” – we have the final product! Even when we were in the recording studio lyrics were tweaked here and there. It really is a process. With ‘Your Smile’ I am singing about a girls smile – the song isn’t necessarily about a crush, but more appreciating her smile and that she shouldn’t change because she lights up the room. ‘Up To You’ is my passion record. It has so much current meaning. I was very involved in all three records, but I think the last one is very much me. The song is all about feeling empowered. I want do give people hope and let them know they are champions of their own destiny – seize the moment. They’ve got this. It was written during Covid-19 and people were spiraling. If I am ever able to perform this song on stage, I would want a full teen choir with me – all coming together giving people hope. The songs are being released in a certain way to tell a mini story. I hope that will come across.

What’s it feel like to be releasing your own original music?

To be totally honest, I had a lot of mixed feelings. I was both excited and yet very anxious, but I have a really great team behind me, my record producer assured me not to worry. I guess I felt that way because I have been acting for the longest time, but music was so new, and I didn’t know how people would react.

Where did your love of music come from?

Gosh, my great grandmother, my grandmother and my mother were all powerhouse singers, so it’s hard not to love music in our house. They literally walk around singing all day. My mum released a pop song in 1998 that went to #1 in Cuba. She can make a song out of any sentence – she literally can find a song in anything. We play a game sometimes, when on road trips, where we say a sentence and we have to find it within a song. It can be anything from show tunes, to nursery rhymes. In elementary school I was always in the school choir and taking part in the after-school stage productions. We are very much a musical family.

Will there be a music video for your new single? If so, can you tell us about the concept of the video ?

Yes! We are set to make the music video for ‘Your Smile’ on August 9th. I am super excited about it. Director Ali Zamani or AZ Films is our fearless leader. I have known Ali for a while now, he is like a big brother. I’m so lucky to have him. Because of Covid though, we can’t cast a lot of people, so it’s just my closest friends and we are filming at a private house. The theme is Southern California summer fun. I know there is a pool scene and we have a bunch of wild inflatables to hang out with and I am told there will be a drone for a Ferris Beuller style scene!

What’s been the pros and cons of pursuing your music career?

I think the pros are that I am able to express myself through music and that I am in control of my destiny. I was told very early on that if I didn’t like something I should say, as I am the one that needs to live with it long term. That was good advice. I love that I have a say in what happens, but that also means I can’t complain later. The cons are that I am new and it takes a while for listeners to find you and your music. It’ll take a few songs.

Is there anyone you want to thank that’s helped you get to where you are today?

The driving force behind me is my mum. She helps me navigate everything, so I would like to thank my mum. Also, I am thankful to my team, who are cheering me on. I am also thankful to the photographers I meet on red carpets, the press and magazines like yours, for being kind to me and for helping me get my music heard. It really does take a village!

It really does!! What do you think makes your fan community/fandom different from others?

I have an eclectic group of fans from all over the world. Many people follow me because of my Wiki Fandom page for my voice-over work as Cardamon on Cartoon Hangover’s ‘Bee and Puppycat’, some follow me because I grew up spending a lot of time with MBB (we were both born in Marbella and our parents are good friends). Others I think have started to hear my music and are curious to hear more.

How would you describe your fans? – what’s three words you would use to describe your fans?

Oh my! Just three words? International, loyal and curious.

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

I am really quite shy, but I love people. I will always try and take a photo with a fan or wish them a great day. I’m not very flamboyant or loud. I’m quite chilled but still approachable. So, say “Hey” when you see me!

Are you planning any Live Stream shows to promote your new music?

Not quite yet, but I will once all three records are released. It’s not the same, but I did my first Instagram live on Saturday, just gone. I was so nervous. People joined me at 10am (PST) as that worked for Spain and the UK too. I had a fan join me on the live from Valencia in Spain – how cool. I think I’d like to always let a fan join me on IG live – I really want people to feel apart of my journey so we can grow together.

What do you want your supporters to know that you think is important?

I’m not really sure. I just turned 13 so I am working things out as I go, but it’s important that I stay true to myself. That’s all I know for sure.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

I am a crazy book worm – I read everything and anything. In particular, I have read every Rick Riordan book, and ‘The Inheritance Cycle’ books from Christopher Paolini. I’d love my own library. I’d sit and read all day if I were allowed. Plus, another fun fact is I can solve a Rubik cube in under 1-minute. I have about 8 Rubik puzzles so you could say, I am mildly obsessed!

Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

Oh my – Harry Styles for sure. I listen to his music all the time. I definitely look up to him. I love the way he is such a flamboyant performer and how anything goes with him, but he isn’t “on” all the time – his wardrobe is insanely cool. It would be a dream come true to work with him on something. And we are both British.

Why do you think social media is so important for teen artists like yourself?

Social media gives us the opportunity to really connect with our fanbase that are thousands of miles away on different time zones. I answer my DM messages and love to have fans know they can fully connect to me.

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

I’d like to make a studio album and release that in 2021. Next year for sure, I want to be performing live on stage too. I am working with a choreographer friend, Devon Daniels, who is super good. I think this year is all about building as an artist and then 2021 I can head out and make magic happen on stage. I’d also love to book a movie role where I can incorporate my music. That would be amazing!

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

THANK YOU. Without supporters an artist can’t survive – so from the bottom of my heart, a huge THANK YOU.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview!

Thank you for having me 🙂 

