July 26, 2024

What has been the greatest moment of 2020 for you? 

Receiving my first royalty check this year, was pretty great. It was a lot of hard work that went into it, so that was definitely a big accomplishment and it shows that I am moving in the direction that I want to be.

How do you want your art to be remembered? 

I just want to be known as an artist who pushed boundaries musically and wasn’t scared to experiment and try different things. Also, I just want people to hear my music and feel a vibe and can space out for a little bit and forget their troubles for a brief moment.

How have you felt most appreciated as a creative and artist? 

Just the love and support that I have received thus far as it pertains to streams and likes etc. and people paying attention and listening and enjoying the sound. It always makes my day when someone is enjoying something I created and just motivates me to keep creating and keep moving forward.

Who have been your strongest allies in your career? 

There have been a handful of people who have been here since the beginning and then just along the way have aligned with people who truly support what I’m doing and want to see me win. I appreciate all of them and anyone who has had a hand in helping me move my career forward. 

What do you see as the most important part of your journey? 

Ultimately, I think it’s the grind of it all. It is filled with so many pitfalls and stuff like that so even the smallest wins feel massive. I think it is necessary because it makes you aware of all of the negative things that the business can present and it helps you become a more aware and knowledgeable artist.

Please tell us about your latest project and how we can get involved!

I have a single I am working on right now called “Down For Anything” and it is out on all platforms. My next single titled “Aphrodite” will be dropping on November 20th. I have a lot of things coming up and I can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve been working on.

Please share your Instagram link so our readers can follow you there. 


Thank you for your time!

For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

