July 26, 2024

So Dillon, you started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to try music at all?
It All started when I was a young kid.. I would freestyle for my friends and they all noticed my potential. so I worked hard on developing my craft… from freestyling and rapping to now creating and producing my own music.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Motivated, spirited, loyal, entertaining, and a little crazy, because who isn’t?

How would you describe your musical style?

What artists do you look up to right now?
Mac Miller, Diplo, Skrillex, Tiesto

Can we expect any new music soon? If so can you spill some details about them?
Actually, I have been working on a new EDM Single featuring Riley Urick and DeCarlo called “Sing For Ya”, which will be officially released on November 17th. so stay tuned.

A few days ago you released your remix for Jake Miller’s song Overnight. What made you want to remix that song?
I know Jake, so I heard the track and seen him tweet he was looking for DJs to remix it. I texted him to send me over the vocals and boom.

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
Working on an EDM album

I watched a few of your music videos for your original songs and they are amazing. Whats the process to make a “Dillon Rupp” music video?

I hit up everbody I know, I buy party supplies, and I grab a camera crew. Try and create a real party in a natural video

You released a new song last month called “Uber Confessions”. When did this song come about? Whats the meaning of the song?
We all freestyled a little, and pieced it together. It sounded like we all felt a love/hate relationship on the track. and That’s how it all started.

You collaberated on that song with Jack and Jack. Whats it like working with them? And Do you have any other collabs in the works?
we are just really good friends, and all love the music. So when others go out, we stay in and vibe in the studio. I plan on working with a lot of other artists… Just sending them records I produced and having them put their little spin and vibe to it.

What song are you most proud of that you have released?
I really like “Indiana” probably the most… but I love Uber Confessions, Gorgeous, One Mo’
im proud of all the work, but I also see a lot of growth happening.

Whats your favorite song to perform live?
Its not out yet, haha but its gonna be “Look at Me Remix”

Whats the feeling you get when your on stage and your fans are singing your songs back to you?

I feel like a kid in a candy store, I just get an adrenaline rush… Seeing people sing along makes me feel good that I can create a vibe where people appreciate my music.

Are you going on tour again anytime soon?

Right now im focused on the music. Not worried about touring, but if any good opportunities come… who knows..

Does your fanbase have a name?

good question, they used to say Ruppies haha but I feel like its too much like a cult.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
We have a love/hate relationship they love me, but they know I’m a young immature boy and they hate the wild savageness. I understand, I think I click with them better when meeting them in person rather then online.

What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
I had girls in my hotel room before I arrived to the hotel so I opened the door with the key and had two girls chilling in the room. I laughed because I was shocked they got all the way in my room.. I took some pictures, and videos and I think everyone ended up happy.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

I creep on a lot of twitter accounts… haha

What’s an average day for “Dillon Rupp” look like?

I wake up around 11, I have a daily agenda. Could be, studio, meeting, or just djing at the crib.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I’ll play some xbox, ill hangout with friends, in the studio cooking up some beats..

Whats the best thing thats come out of this career so far?
The fact I’m making a career out of just who I am and getting to do what I love the most is probably the most crucial.

What’s your biggest struggle in this career so far?
When you are in the spotlight, sometimes fans want you to be someone you are not.. but I just choose to live how I want to live and be happy. So I don’t always make the right decisions, but hey.. who does?

If your life was a movie, what would be the title?
Mr. Coxsmith

Who would you want to play you?

Leonardo DiCaprio

What impact do you want to have on the music world?
I want to spread love, good vibes and joy through my music. I want people to feel good when they hear my music and sing along. That is what got me into music in the first place; the people.

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

To Create longevity, so I can take care of my future self

How has this whole music career experience been?
So far its been good, I’ve got lucky but I think it’s time I take it a step further and show people who I am and what I am capable of.

Do you have any advice for aspiring music artists?
If you want it, it’ll happen… Create yourself like a brand and build an empire with it.

Last thing, Do you have anything you went to tell your fans?

Thanks for being someone to lean on, Hope you guys are seeing the growth in me like I’ve seen from you guys.


If You Guys Enjoyed The Interview, Make Sure To Follow Dillon On All His Socials:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deejayrupp/?hl=en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejayrupp?lang=en

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/deejay-rupp/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSnXJJGh8esCPsqBaUUtLiQ

