Hey Taylon! So excited to be chatting with you! You just released your new album! How excited are you that this project is finally out into the world?!? Can you tell us about what this album means to you?
I am so excited to be able to get this album out! It’s my third album I have produced with my team and producer Kent Wells.The album took us a year so I am soooo excited to finally have the new music out there. I co-wrote all the songs on each album and this album means alot to me, so many of the songs are about what I stand for faith, family, and country music. The songs are about so many people and places that have inspired me to be who I am today. This album means alot to me. I self titled this album because I felt it was so much a part of just who I am and what I am about.
Any fun moments while creating the album?
Yes, with any new album there comes fun moments. I co-wrote for the first time on this album with country artists and Grand Ole Opry performer Mo Pitney. During our co-write it was funny he shared that he loves to eat beef sticks while he writes so we sat around and ate beef sticks while we wrote about our small towns that we were from and from that came the song “Small, Small Town” on my album. I also did a video with this album to the song “Could’ve Been A Country Song” and during the filming of the video myself and several of the other writers got stuck on a ride at the fair grounds for a long time. That made for some interesting times stuck on a ride and running out of daylight for the video!!
What song are you most excited to perform from this new album?
Songs I am most excited to perform would have to be “Country In Me” that I wrote with Bridgette Tatum who wrote the song “She is Country” with Jason Aldean. She is a Carolina girl like me and we just had a blast writing this song. The words hold so true and relate to alot of my fans. I am also really excited to perform the song Women of Country I co-wrote this song with my great friend and writer Devon O’ Day from WSM and the song is about so many of the great female artists who have inspired and influenced me in my writing and my music! It’s really important to me to share and be proud of what women have done for the country music industry. I am so honored to be a part of this industry and to share my stories through songs like so many of these women have before me!
What does it feel like to perform your own music live in front of your supporters?
It feels amazing to have the opportunity to sing my songs in front of supporters! This year I have had the honor of being the youngest artists to perform and sign with the Wildhorse in Nashville, TN and it was amazing performing there this Summer to have so many people my age singing my songs from my last album and the new album back to me. The song I wrote “Showin My Roots” on my last album is a song has just turned in to a song that stuck with so many people and they always request it and know every word when I sing it! As an artist its just a dream come true to hear others sing your song back to you. I get so excited when I can write songs that I see others are relating to and connecting with me on. I think every artists aspires to hear others sing their original songs. When I write I always try to think about my supporters and how I can best relate to them and the stories we have to share! When I am on stage performing its just where I love to be its my comfort zone and connecting with my audience and people my age is so important to me.
Are you planning to tour to promote this album?
Yes, I am planning to do a tour with the album this year and in working with my team I hope to be traveling outside of the US this Summer to perform and get my new album and music out in Europe. I will also be traveling to do radio promotion with the album as well!
How do you want your relationship to be with your supporters?
It’s really important to me that my supporters feel that they can relate to me and always reach out to me. I want to be an artists that is always approachable and can have alot of fun performing music with them! I really want my music to inspire and touch people my age! My supporters are so important to me they encourage and motivate me everyday and I see them as being on this journey with me!
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
I guess as far as fan encounters that really stand out one would be last year when I had fans coming up to me to sign autographs and a guitar during CMA week in Nashville. I had several people lined up for autographs during that week and it was just so exciting to see that myself and my music was making an impact and people were connecting with me! I have also had some fans make me some pretty incredible gifts like a guitar pick that I always keep with my with my initials engraved on it. I also have a young girl from my hometown that I talk with and keep in touch with ongoing she really wanted to sing and do music but didn’t feel that she could do it. I have really tried to encourage her alot and she is now learning guitar and singing the National Anthem for events this year. I really want young people to know they can do anything they aspire to do with alot of hard work and dedication. I don’t want them to settle for less when it comes to their dreams we just can’t no regrets.
I also had a fan in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at Dreammore Resort come up to me after a performance I did there. Little did I know she was the dressmaker for the one and only Dolly Parton and she gave me piece of Dolly Parton’s dress that she had just made for her to ride in the parade at Dollywood. She said she wanted me to have it for good luck! I will treasure this forever as Dolly is a great inspiration to me! I love her writing and just all that she does to help other people!
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?
Social media I use Instagram alot probably the most but I am active on Twitter and Facebook as well to connect with my fans. I do Tic Tok for fun as well to show a more fun side of myself! Instagram would probably be my fav. and how I connect with most of my fans!
Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
I did just start working on a new project creating a video for my next single to be released and I am super excited how that is going to turn out! Myself and my band had a blast filming this! Be watching for it soon!! I also did my first album release in North Carolina and will be doing an album release in Nashville coming very soon! Be watching for dates on all my social media its going to be a fun night!
Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
To all my supporters out there I love you guys and thanks so much for supporting me and my music journey. You are each such a part of the story! Please reach out to me so we can connect and I would love to hear your ideas on song writing ideas that connect with people our age the dreams we have the challenges we face! I am also going to be touring alot this year so if there are venues in your hometown that I could come perform at with you guys that would be amazing! I can’t wait to see all of you out there this year and please stay in touch! Meeting each of you makes it all worth it!
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with us.
Thank you guys so much for reaching out to me for this interview! I appreciate your support so much. Please stay in touch and be watching for new projects to come with this album! Love you guys!