February 16, 2025


Heals From Heartbreak on


Out Now – https://wizard.fanlink.to/IDTUAAOutNow

Ronnie Watts overcomes a broken heart in stunning EP, I DON’T TRUST U AT ALL’. The six-track project blends emo and synth pop establishing a sense of nostalgia and longing that is complemented by her exceptional songwriting. Her lyrics possess a profound nuance captivating listeners, covering every stage of a break up in all of its passionate details.

It was this raw talent that signed Ronnie to Universal UK management / label imprint W!ZARD Talent. Honing in on her craft, the EP proudly displays the amount of growth and dexterity the singer has developed. Through reflecting on the best moments in “Sad Summer,” a vibrant electro-pop track, to a guitar-filled send-off in “On My Mind,” Ronnie sings through the pain with a just as captivating and catchy production behind her.

The EP’s heartbreak themes stem from the trip Ronnie made from Rochester to outside of New York to meet up with a boy. She arrived at the train station and he never showed up. He had ditched her to meet a different girl. On the 350 mile train journey back she started her healing process by writing the origins of some of the lyrics that appear on the ‘I DON’T TRUST U AT ALL’ EP.

Reflecting on the experience and it’s profound impact on her, Ronnie shared, “A day before I left to go visit him he told me he loved me. The next day, I found out he was with someone else. I felt really blindsided but I’m grateful for what we went through because I got some of my favorite songs out of it. It didn’t really hit me until I got back home. It was the simple things like not FaceTiming before bed, and seeing him post pictures with his new girlfriend. My notes became full of lyric ideas and I’d stay up past midnight writing like crazy. After a few months passed I ended up sending the songs that you hear on the EP to him. That’s when I started letting go of things. As personal as these songs are to me, now that they’re released, they’re everyone else’s just as much as they are mine.”



Watch “Sad Summer” music video: https://youtu.be/rPKZCmBqyIg


Rising from the suburbs of Rochester, New York is an artist on her way to stealing the top spot on everyone’s playlist.

Ronnie Watts discovered her ability to sing like many others before her – at a young age she was sat in her parent’s bedroom when her mother caught her singing along to a pop song before screaming in excitement – however, everything since then has been wholly unique. In her nostalgic, classic style, Ronnie Watts has spent most of her youth honing her song-writing ability, building a recording studio in her basement, and journaling her heartbreak through the lens of pop music.

Along the way, she’s picked up a slew of dedicated followers on social media, collaborated with producers such as Lemarroy (Sony Music Mexico) on original music and become a regular on the live circuit in New York.

What makes Ronnie Watts connect is her ability to, after singing just a few lyrics, make the walls fall from around you and place you exactly in the time and place she’s singing about – which, much of the time, is somewhere between youthful bliss and teenage angst; a fine line relatable to many of Ronnie’s young followers.

Simply put: Ronnie Watts is the modern hero for the suburban teen spending their nights listening to heartbreak tunes in their bedroom.

Ronnie Watts online:




