February 6, 2025

Hey Remy! So excited to be chatting with you! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a singer-songwriter from Birmingham, Alabama, but I currently live in Nashville and I’m pursuing my career here. There’s a creative energy in Nashville you can’t find in other cities. It’s been fun to find new writers and producers to collaborate with.

Where did your love of music come from?

I’ve always had a love for music – it’s something that’s always been very instinctual for me. But when Taylor Swift released her first album, that’s when I realized writing, recording and releasing music was actual possible, and that I could make a career out of it.

What artists do you look up to right now?

Gosh, there are so many incredible artists releasing music right now, but my favorites are, by far, Ariana Grande, Lizzo, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Charlie Puth

You just released a new music video for your single “D.O.N.E.”! How excited were you to get this project out into the world?!?

Releasing my video for “D.O.N.E” (and the song, really) was thrilling. It’s a feeling I think just about anyone can relate to, and it’s one of my favorites I’ve written. I was so ready for people to see it!


Can you tell us what this song & video means to you?

The song “D.O.N.E.” is all about that moment you’re finally over that guy or girl that’s been toying with your heart and messing with your feelings. It’s that “ah – I don’t have to put up with this anymore! I’m so DONE” moment… The video is colorful and playful, because you are supposed to feel empowered when you make the decision to finally be done!

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new video?

I hope fans have fun with it, and also realize – whether they’re in a relationship or not – joy is choice, and anything (or anyone) that isn’t serving that joy can go!

What other release plans do you have for 2020?

I’ll be releasing more music! I’m excited to put out my new single “Live, Laugh, Love” this summer. It’s a great, light-hearted tune that I can’t wait for fans to hear! I’ve been waiting some time to release this one…

What do you hope your supporters will think from hearing your new music?

I hope fans will experience a range of emotions when they hear my music – everything from fun, happy and exciting to painful and heartbreaking, because that’s life! The happy times are wonderful, and the painful times make you stronger. I want my fans to feel heard and represented in everything I do.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your supporters?

Facebook and Instagram! You can find me on facebook.com/remygarrisonmusic, or at @remygarrison on Instagram!

