February 7, 2025

Hey Guys!! What’s been your reaction to the fans excitement for this new video?

As with anything we put out, we become so immersed in it that we really don’t think about our fans reaction until the release. Then, we have this “oh shit” moment like “are people even going like this”? But we’re so lucky that every time we put something out we’ve gotten really positive feedback from our supporters, and this video was no different. We did a countdown release on Youtube where there’s a little dialog box for people to interact, and we were shocked to see so many people interacting on there.

How excited were you guys to get your new single “My Own” out into the world?

We were incredibly excited. Funny enough we debuted the song on KLOS 95.5 and people called in saying they really liked it, so that made us even more excited for the release. We had been playing My Own live for almost a year now and it’s gone through a couple different renditions. We’re happy that we sat with this song for so long because it allowed us to really figure out how the song was meant to be played. 

What other release plans do you guys have for 2020?

We plan on releasing two if not three more singles this year.  Two of them have already been recorded and we’re just fine tuning them at the moment.  Since we’re constantly writing and we have so many songs floating around, we’ve been toying with the idea of doing a full length album as well.

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new music?

We hope that our songs speak to our supporters on a more personal level. We’d hope that the songs would make the listener feel like it was written about them or someone in their life.

What type of music are you leaning towards for your music career going forward?

It’s really hard to say what type of music we are heading towards. We’re really big fans of being open minded and not sticking to one genre or style.  We have all these great artists out right now like Halsey, 21 Pilots, Billy Eilish, Post Malone, and Bring me the Horizon that are all super successful and they don’t really stick to one genre. So looking at the success of these multi genre artists, it kind of gives us the green light to follow suit. Also, from a writing perspective it’s much more freeing knowing that you don’t have to stick to one particular style. You can truly just write how you’re feeling and not worry about if it fits into your catalogue.

How do you want your relationship to be like with your supporters?

We want our supporters and us to be one in the same. We want it to feel like there’s no barrier between the band and our fans. It’s just us as a whole group.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

Only the true OGs know this, but Jeff actually used to sing and play bass for a short while. We try to forget those times haha

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

We want our fans to know if they ever see us that can totally talk and hang out with us.  Just don’t touch Trent’s beard haha

What do you want your message to be towards your fans?

Always be authentically you! 

What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

At the end of the day we just want people to leave our show and say “wow, that was a lot of fun”. We believe our one job is to entertain people and make them forget about anything that might be going on in their lives. 

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?


Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

Kevin Lyman!  Some of our fondest music memories were made at Warped Tour.

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself?

Social Media is really everything these days. For starters it allows you to be as accessible as possible. In addition, from a business standpoint, it can show you who follows your band and how many people are interacting with you. It’s kind of like the modern day email list. Moreover, social media allows you to show your brand or image. Lastly, it’s a great tool for letting people know when you have new content coming out.

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

Honestly, we truly believe that we will be one of the biggest headliners in the world.  We really believe in our music and our message so much and we definitely put the work in too.  We’d love to play more benefit shows too.  We all really enjoy playing for a cause.  We are all really altruistic guys, and we love volunteering and giving back. If we’re able to use our passion to do that, then event better.

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Love yourself, and always be authentically you!

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions!!

