January 18, 2025

Hey Guys!! So excited to be chatting with all of you.

Thanks for having us!

What led to you guys forming “Ovtlier”?

I (Joey) started Ovtlier in late 2014/2015 by traveling to and from Cleveland, OH over the course of a year and a half to write and record a record (What Doesn’t Kill You) that would become the foundation in which the band would be built on. Got back to my roots and wrote my most genuine material. 

How did you guys all meet & become a band?

After “What Doesn’t Kill You” was complete, finding like musicians became the next step. Current lineup made up of musicians from former bands such as The Red Death, I Set My Friends On Fire and Life Barrier. 

What’s the meaning of the name “Ovtlier”? 

“Ovtlier” pronounced “Outlier”. Definition(s); A person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system. A person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set.

I branded it with a “V” not only cause it made the search significantly easier but also cause before the “U” was introduced into the alphabet, the proper use of “V” acted as both itself and the “U” vowel. 

What’s the difference from your band and all bands that are currently doing well?

We will never claim or think of ourselves as “different” but we will never conform to a trending sound nor pigeon hole ourselves into a specific sound within a genre. Every song carries a certain level of energy and emotion and it depends on what i am feeling that day in the studio. Our fans will never find us to be predictable and hopefully look forward to every release. Taking a page out of old school hip hop/rap, Ovtlier will also be re releasing every single with a mysterious and special guest performer. 

What inspired you guys to pursue music?

For me, music began at the age of 11 when i received my first electric guitar that came from a garage sale and had nothing but 3 strings and removed pickups. I was raised by a single mother and we didn’t have money growing up but made the best of what we did have. I (air)played that thing like it was gods gift. Like most, Kurt Cobain was my main influence for pursuing music after hearing my first Nirvana recording. 

How would you describe your musical style as a band?

We are the New Kids on the Block of Metal & Rock!

No sub genres, nothing that can back us into a corner. The formulation for an Ovtlier song consists of taking different elements of Rock and Metal. Big fans of NuMetal, Djent, Prog, Grunge, etc. 

What artists do you guys look up to right now?

I’d say my love for NuMetal, my roots has bled through significantly through our sound and that keeps me “looking up” to Korn, Deftones, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Zombie, Powerman, Orgy, Rammstein, Sevendust, etc. Just all the gentlemen that helped paved the way and pushed the envelope. Rock and metal has played it quite safe for the most part. We are hoping to bring back some of that spice. 

Are there any new projects or music in the works you can tell us about? 

We are in the works of setting up a release date for a new song called “Who We Are”. Music video is looking to be visually our most intense work yet and the chorus is probably our most melodic to date. 

Why do you think social media is so important for singers today?

I constantly get nagged for not being as ‘present’ as a should be on social media but know it’s the way of the world now. I suppose it’s important because we are the vocals. We tell the stories in the music. We are also probably the most out spoken of our groups. Kind of feels it almost comes with the territory.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

We like to interact and be as human, responsive and real with our fans. I don’t want to portray this ‘i’m above you’ or unreachable persona. It may take me a while but i try to respond to all fan mail, personally. 

How has this whole music career experience been?

We have met so many people over the years and within our journey. We take it day by day and take in every moment of it. Knowing that you have actual “fans”, people that pay, support and follow what you do, something that you enjoy doing is the most self rewarding feeling. 

Do you have any last things you want to tell your supporters?

You guys are the most amazing individuals. Thank you for your continuous support. We have no longevity with you and for that, we are eternally grateful!

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview 🙂

Thank you so much for the awesome questions!



