Last night, my sister and I attended Noah Urrea’s Sweet Sixteen Birthday/Ep Release Party. The night started off on the red carpet where I had each artist answer a one fun question like “Whats Your Dream Vacation?”.
Watch The Red Carpet Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuNKk4aMiM0
After the red carpet, we went to the ice cream bar and got some delicious ice cream. Then we headed to the dance floor to watch Noah’s performance. His performance was amazing! The performance started off with a video collage of his performances over the years. Noah performed three of the songs on his new Ep “Always”. Girls were screaming Noah’s name and he told us he was so overwhelmed with emotions and thanked his parents for everything they have done for him.
Noah then introduced the organizer of the END MALARIA NOW .ORG foundation. He came up on stage and started talking about Noah’s and his mom’s participation in this foundation and everyone started chanting Noah’s mom’s name!
He then told us how Noah was giving his Ep for free if you donated 10 dollars to the organization at the party. After explaining the organization, Noah came back on stage and thanked everyone for being there.
Noah was about to get off stage when his mom and dad came on stage to surprise him with a guitar he had wanted for 3 years. He was almost in tears!
After the performance, everyone gathered around three kids who are from Kids So You Think You Can Dance. They were taking turns inside of the dance circle and their dancing was amazing.
My sister and I went around dancing as well with some other people like Sloane Siegel. We also joined in on a conga line. At the end of the party, I said thanks to Noah for inviting me and he gave me the sweetest hug and said I am so glad you came! He’s such a nice guy and I just want to wish him a happy birthday, as well as, a congrats on the release of his EP, “Always”!
If you haven’t yet, go buy his new ep! Its amazing. I have had it on repeat since it came out!
Always EP Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/always-ep/id1218497566