What would you call your genre and how do you describe your sound ?
My sound is smooth with an edge. My lyrics explore the messy glory of being human, over jazzy beats. I’m more writer-songsinger than singer-songwriter
The most rewarding part of being an independent artist?
Being free to create whatever I want. I’m in control.
Please tell us more about your new single. When was it written and how did the experiences of 2020 shape your newest musical endeavors?
My latest single is The New Hopefuls, it was inspired by the amazing people who have stepped up to help others during this terrible year. If we want to, we can change the world, every one of us.
Would you consider yourself a lyricist, a poet or both?
A poet.
Where do you see yourself and your career in the next 2 years?
I hope I’ll have surprised myself by creating the unexpected. This year I recorded story songs – narrating my writings about life in lockdown with a soundtrack – the response has been so touching – people have really connected with them.
How can our readers learn more about you and follow you on Facebook?
My website https://nazneenrahman.
For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.