July 26, 2024


So Griffin, You started your acting career at a very young age, what inspired you to try acting at all?

My sister did plays when we were younger and she looked like she was having a lot of fun up on stage so i thought i would give it a try.

What actor are you influenced by?

So many i cant list them all, i just worked with Bryan Cranston who became a huge inspiration.

Have you always wanted to be an actor?

I kinda fell into it at a very young age and so far i have not hoped for any other life

How do you think your parents involvement in the industry has influenced your acting career?

they’ve been able to give me a lot of insight in the industry

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Since you are only 16, How do you manage school with your busy schedule?

I go to an Independant Studies program which really revolves around helping me balance my schedule with acting and school work.

What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?

Instagram for sure.

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What was it like playing the main character in “Middle School”?

It was my first time playing a lead character so it was such an incredible thing to experience.
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Who on the set of Middle School helped you the most when you first started acting on the movie?

Thomas and i would constantly bounce ideas of each other and help each other out with our characters back at our hotel.

How was set life for the “Middle School” Movie?

Set life was very fun, there was always energy and always something to do with the whole cast and crew.


What was it like working with costar Lauren Graham?

Lauren was like a real mom. Not only to me but to all the kids on set and even some of the crew haha.

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In “Middle School”, Rafe is a prankster. What was your favorite prank in the movie?

Definitely the post-it note prank where we covered a whole hallway with post-it notes to create some really cool art.

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Characteristically, how would you compare Rafe in “Middle School” to Griffin in real life?

We are definitely totally the same person yet totally different at the same time, Rafe is a much better artist than i am but we are both pretty creative people i would like to say.

Middle School_CBSFilms_FrankMasi_2015_17828.RAFWhat were the challenges of playing a character who had lost his brother to cancer?

It was a challenge for me personally, but everyone on sets support was very helpful.

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Your character Rafe started falling in love with Jeanne, have you ever been in love?

Well I dont think i know what love is yet but ive definitely had school crushes just like Rafe haha.

Middle School_CBSFilms_FrankMasi_2015_16969.RAFWhat did you think of the movie when you saw it completed?

I thought that Steve and the producers did an amazing job putting it all together and seeing myself animated was even cooler.

Another big role for you was Charlie in “Red Band Society”. What was it like playing such a deep role at such a young age?

Again it was an interesting challenge, but the people on set were very helpful and supportive.

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Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

I just worked on a project called ‘Why Him?’ with a bunch of really cool people and its definitely worth a look.

What’s an average day for “Griffin Gluck” look like?

School and helping my dad around the office with whatever he needs.

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What do you like to do in your free time?

The usual, hanging with friends and playing videogames like the typical 16 year old i am haha.

Have you ever been starstruck by someone? If so when, where, and who was it?

Constantly, by 90% of the people ive been lucky enough to work with.

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How has this whole acting career experience been?

So far so good! I cannot complain haha.

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

I just want to be the best i can be, whether thats in my acting or in my family life or social life…

Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?

I have no clue, im really just hoping for the best for me and everyone i know.

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What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?

I havent had any crazy ones yet but im kinda looking forward to my first one!

Last question, What advice can you give my followers about how to make yourself standout as an actor?

Just put your 100% into everything you do and eventually all of your hard work is going to pay off. Goodluck!!

If You Enjoyed The Interview, Make Sure To Follow Griffin On All His Social Media Accounts:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/griffingluck/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/griffingluck

Also Don’t Forget To Go Watch The Middle School Movie!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/middleschoolmovie

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/middleschoolmovie/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/middleschoolmovie 

