January 17, 2025

So Mauro, you started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to try music at all?

I’ve always been an artist, I think I found myself in music when I was a kid, during that time I started performing live and writing my first compositions. It was going to pop sooner or later: deep inside of me there was original music screaming to be released into the world. I’ve always worked in the arts from painting, drawing, writing tales to acting but now I realize all this time I was searching for ways to create and perpetuate my essence, my soul. Music has been that friend who let me be myself and I’ve spent the best memories of my life because of my music career.

How would you describe your musical style?

Throughout the years I’d say it’s been pretty versatile. I’m a chameleon. I’d like to highlight the heart factor in my music and everything I do related to my career, I have a lot of passion for what I do. People have told me my music shows a lot of that and there’s a depth to it because I write my own songs and that makes it even more relatable.  

Who’s your favorite singer at the moment?

Britney Spears

What artist influences you the most and who you aspire to be like?

Influences are my own and I aspire to be myself through the vast range of dimensions as the cycle of becoming unfolds.  

What’s your friends and parents thoughts on your career in singing?

They love it! They are very proud of me and all my accomplishments.  

What’s it been like being in the spotlight from such a young age?

Wow! I still can’t believe that was me, that little kid who started this career. It’s wild you know, I look at myself in pictures and I know I’ve done all that but it’s pretty incredible to remember such nerve and determination I had to accomplish so many things from the beginning of my career despite my years.

Did you have a “break out” song that started things for you with your followers?

My song ‘Dance With Me’ became an international success with a bunch of radio stations playing it and people dancing to it. ‘Dance With Me’ gained me a lot of fans as well.

What’s your process of creating one of your amazing albums?

The process is organic. It’s me and the guitar or the piano. Usually it’s my guitar, I take it everywhere I go. I don’t have to sit and wait for words to come, the songs call me. I am walking down the street or something and the ideas come.

When I was a kid I used to wake up with melodies in my head, now it’s more like I have the song inside me sleeping and once it’s wide awake it gets out of my system, then I grab my guitar and after a couple minutes it’s alive.

Last week I finished composing one by the way, and it took me a couple days. My writing process is easy because I know what I want to say, it flows. I write music and lyrics for my songs so I get to have the last word for the final product. I like being as free as I can when I create music.

Can we expect any new music soon? If so can you spill some details about them?

Yes! Well, I write every single day of my life actually but I have four albums that are ready to hit the studio but there’s a song stuck in my head and new plans for it too so… there will be new music definitely but it’s a secret…don’t tell anybody lol!  

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?

Many. Now that you mention it I have just entered a new era in my career that means new me new everything. I’m excited!

What’s your favorite song to perform live?

‘Dance With Me’ because I can sing and dance to it! It’s a lot of fun.

What’s the feeling you get when on stage and your fans are singing your songs back to you?

It’s all about expressing and giving all your heart. Performing has got to be one of the best experiences of my career, I love singing my songs with my fans and making new ones at different places. Someone told me a couple years ago I transform myself when I’m on stage, so there you have it.

How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?

A friendship. Let me know what moves them when they listen to my music.

What’s the craziest fan encounter you have had?

One time I performed on live television and my phone number was publically displayed. By the time I got home I got a thousand messages. Some very respectful ones telling me how much they loved my performance and others well… let’s say flirtatious.  But I had a couple numbers of people who kept on texting me after that day and things got serious. There was a person who even called me, who wanted to date me and claimed to have my personal address. Craziest thing ever!

What’s an average day for you look like?

Lots of music, chocolate (I love chocolate), writing new songs, performing acoustically, my career and living life to the fullest!

If your life was a movie, what would be the title?

‘Dubstep Heart’, just like my latest release.

Who would you want to play you?

I’m not sure… but it would have to be someone who represents through his acting: passion, determination and perseverance, these are qualities people told me I have.

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?

Be as happy as I can. The ultimate goal I think is to be happy with who you are and what you are doing.  

What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment in your career so far?

Fifteen years of career and all the beautiful moments that surround them, that’s my biggest accomplishment so far.

What’s the best thing that’s come out of this career so far?

It has brought purpose and happiness to my existence. It’s made me who I am. It’s given me the best years and memories of my life.

What’s your biggest struggle in this career so far?

Being young and taken seriously sometimes. It’s hard to believe for some people that you are young and you can write, record and perform your own music which is my case.

What impact do you want to leave in the music world?

Honesty. I write my own music and lyrics so if you listen to my songs you are listening to my heart.

Do you have any advice for aspiring music artists?

Yes, if your passion for music is stronger than everything, don’t let it go. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.  

Last thing, Do you have anything you want to tell your fans?

Thank you for letting me be a beat within your heart and thank you Teen Music Insider for having me today, this was awesome!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to this interview with me.


