July 26, 2024
Photographer: Scooter Painter
Insta handle is @xscooterx24

Hey Mat!! So excited to be chatting with you again. What have you been up to since last we spoke?

Hey! Thanks for having me on here again! Well, since all the social distancing has been happening I have been working hard on putting work into some new music and also focusing efforts on making myself as an artist seen more in social media. 

You just released another new EP!! Can you tell us what this project means to you? 

This project was a bigger endeavor than the last one. With everything going on in the world we wanted to put out some songs that reflected how we felt. The first song on this EP was written over a year ago and it’s asking all of us to stop the continued dividing we have in our country and to come together to see how we ALL belong in this world. How we need to love each other and end the hatred that is so present… that really sets up the rest of the project and what the songs are about.

What led you to release another EP so soon?

We had the idea to release a couple of EP’s this year to get a good library of content out there for people to binge and listen to. We could have come out with one Full Length, but we believe that people are more inclined to listen to shorter projects more often instead of a full album of songs.  

What’s been your reaction to the fans’ love and support for your new project?

I’m just so overwhelmed with Joy every time I put something out. To know that people really enjoy listening to the music I have spent time creating makes it worth it every time!

How excited were you to get this project out into the world?

Very excited! I believe these songs are a representation of the New Wind that is being breathed into our world. We have a chance to be a part of that and I want to do my part to help.

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new music?

That an artist can be diverse without getting stuck into a genre box. The first song is pretty “Hard Rock” but then track two starts with a pop introduction before leading into an ambient/cinematic ending. Track three has that Hard Rock sound again and then track four goes into a Bedroom/lofi Pop feel. 

Do you have a favorite song off this EP? 

Capture! It is track two and it has such an epic ending. Like I said before, it almost has a cinematic feel to the end, which I love!

Do you have any plans to release more music this year? 

We are going to slow down on the EP’s and move to maybe releasing a couple of singles before the year is over.

Would you consider doing a IG live performance if your supporters wanted you to?

Oh yea! I would love to!

Any last things you want to tell your supporters?

Just thank you again for all of your support! If you want to check out the EP follow this link https://open.spotify.com/album/0hOuTxQDTMpdJkufK4z54T?si=cKx7VmDFTjSD7nBewhOj9Q 

