photo credit: Karolina Turek
completed by the band’s guitarist, Matt Webb
How did you guys become a band?
HI! It’s Matt. Josh and I met in high school. My buddy Ben and I recorded some songs with Josh Ramsay at his home studio. Ben still owes me $300 for that session. The songs were terrible. But after that, Josh asked if I wanted to join his band because it was way better than mine. I couldn’t argue. Ian our drummer came out of a newspaper ad that was located beside the automobile classifieds. Mike, our bassist, just had curly hair and you always need a guy with curly hair in your band. In our case, we had 2. Big mistake.
How did you guys come up with the band name “Marianas Trench” & what’s the meaning of the name?
We picked the name Marianas Trench because it is an anagram for…
Can you tell us a little something about each of you?
I like to get to the airport super early, like 5 hours early, it just feels right.
Ian has a bunk knee from a terrible soccer injury. In his glory days, he was as good as David Beckham.
Whenever Mike texts you, he will tell you exactly what he is doing in great detail.
Josh is the most flexible person ever; he should have perhaps considered a career in rhythmic gymnastics.
What is it like being in a band?
Pretty great. I do what I love for a living, not many people get to say that.
What’s the difference from your band and all bands that have come before you?
Our band is better than those bands.
How would you describe your musical style as a band?
Always evolving, always Trench.
What artists/bands are you influenced by?
Only AC/DC.
You guys recently released your latest single, “I Knew You When”. Can you tell us how this song came about and the meaning of the song?
This was a fun track to record, the drum feel is kinda tropical, an unusual one for us but something we wanted to try. The song reminisces about a long lost, memorable relationship, perhaps one that is worth a second shot.
Will there be a music video for your new single?
You betcha! It is already done and should be out any day now.
Do you guys have a creative say in your music and videos?
Absolutely! Why would we do them otherwise??
What do you hope to gain out of your music careers?
For me, travel the world, make as many fans and friends as possible, play music every single day, and hopefully keep a roof over my head while doing it.
Are you guys planning on touring or doing any shows anytime soon?
Yes, we just announced our Suspending Gravity tour that will take us all over Canada and the United States from March through May. Lots more dates to come this year, Europe and Australia are in the pipeline as well.
What’s the feeling you guys get when performing in front of your fans?
It is truly invigorating. The energy of the fans is so inspiring. Playing music is always rewarding, but to have someone cheering you on while you are doing it makes it that much better.
Does your fanbase have a name?
Trenchers! And they’re proud of it.
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
One of mutual respect. Our fans work tirelessly to support us, spend their hard-earned dollars on concert tickets, albums, and merchandise, travel city to city to see us play, call radio stations to request songs, tell their friends and families to check us out… We are incredibly grateful. Whatever I can do in return, I will. These people put a roof over my head and I am forever thankful to them for that. I want to be approachable and kind, if you ever see me in the street, please say hi because I would love to hear about you and why you are a Trencher.
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
Seems like Instagram these days, although I have a lot of fun on Twitter from time to time.
What was the craziest fan encounter you guys have had?
There are so many. I had a lovely fan send me a Nerf Terrascout Super Attack Drone for my birthday. Sooooo cool!!! But that thing is super expensive. And she had to send it twice because the first one was lost at customs!
Will there be an ep/album out soon?
Very soon.
What’s an average day for you guys look like?
An average day at home (lately) looks like this… get up at 6am, hit the gym/pool/run/bike, come home, walk my dog (Fred), eat breakfast, sit at the computer and answer 50 emails (like this one hehe), plan upcoming tour details, walk Fred again, head to the general area of our recording studio, get lunch at one of 3 medium restaurants near the studio – usually a bagel with salmon lox and cream cheese or some kind of salad with chicken and avocado, – grab an English breakfast tea at Starbucks, go to studio and rock with the band, drive home, get stuck in traffic for 30 minutes, walk Fred, eat dinner, Netflix some Daredevil, walk Fred, go to bed, repeat.
It’s been a busy month, this December I have been volunteering with MusiCounts to help adjudicate Band Aid grant applications. Canadian schools can submit for grants to purchase musical instruments and revitalize their music programs, and I help to decide who gets funding. It’s a tough job but lots of fun!
What goals have you guys set out for the band?
World domination.
Where do you guys hope the band is in 5 years?
Still dominating the world, haha.
Do you guys have any last things you want to tell your supporters?
I love you, lets lunch.
Thank you guys for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions.