July 26, 2024

Hey Jessame!! So excited to be chatting with you. You are gearing up to release some new music soon. What’s been your reaction to the fans anticipation for your new music?

Thanks for wanting to chat with me! I’m incredibly humbled, I put so much into the music, that all I want to do is let my fans live with it. Like letting go of something you’ve been holding on to tightly for so long, & trusting that when you let it go, it’s going to be OK, & do what it needs to do. To see & hear fans be excited for my music, puts even more pressure on me to deliver something lasting for them to be able to connect to, & live with.

How excited are you to get this project out into the world?

Probably the most excited I’ve ever been as an artist. Again, it’s the feeling of allowing the people who support my music & follow my journey, to really get to know me & connect with me on a deeper level. I don’t want to be someone they see as unreachable, I want them to know I’m human, I have flaws, I make mistakes, just like them.

What do you hope your supporters will think of the new music?

I just hope it resonates with them, & they can throw it on in special times of need. Whether driving, in bed at night reminiscing, or making love…

What type of music are you leaning towards for your music career?

I’m not one to put a genre on my style of music. I am heavily influenced from R&B, Soul, Rock, Jazz, Classical, etc. I really made sure that I stay true to my own sound and style.

What’s up next for you after the release of this project? A tour maybe?

I would love to get out & perform this for the people! With all that’s going on with this Corona Virus, all I can do is pray I’m able to! Something great is in the works 🙂

How do you want your relationship to be like with your supporters?

Like I mentioned earlier, I want them to feel like I am reachable, attainable. Confidence that if they have something to say, they will be heard. What they want they can get.

What do you want your supporters to know that you think is important?

I think it’s important that you stay true to yourself and you create what you want to make for yourself not for anybody else. The rest comes as you begin to become comfortable with your own journey.

What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

I’m very emotional & sensitive being. I am super particular about how things go, how I like my things, & the way things are presented. I like my instruments in a certain place, to the exact degree on my desk, clothes folded, my place super tidy. Others would call it OCD, I’d say aesthetically pleasing.I am also a vegan 🙂

What do you want your fans to know if they ever see you in public?

Never feel uncomfortable or that you ever have to be nervous or shy to come say hi or ask me something. I am of the same breed as you!

What do you want your message to be towards your fans? What do you want your fans to take away from your music and shows?

It’s important that my fans always leave my shows feeling like we were apart of the magic together. It’s not possible without them there, supporting me & making me and the band feel as if we’re apart of something so spiritual, sacred, and importantly, something bigger than all of us. Genuine is the word I want my fans to know is what they will see & get from me 100% of the time.

What’s one word you would use to describe what your fans have allowed you to accomplish?


Is there anyone in the music business you are dying to meet?

Pharrell Williams. He’s been one of my idols for the longest time, from the albums he’s produced & helped write, to his impact on the fashion world, & most importantly what he stands for in human rights, support of feminine rights… he’s played a significant role in the influence of who I am.

Why do you think social media is so important for artists like yourself?

It’s a great tool to allow people into your lives, from a safe distance, to get to know you & get yourself out there to the world!

What would you say is your biggest dream/goal right now?

Touring the world with my band & my team/family being able to leave a positive lasting, impact everywhere we go!

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with us 🙂

