July 26, 2024

You started your acting career at a very young age, what inspired you to pursue acting?

I started my career at the age of 3 because of Spider-Man I always wanted to be Peter Parker, but my true passion for acting grew in 2015 because of Steve Amell from the CW show arrow. 

Do you have any rituals before filming a show? 

I love to go to a corner and mentally meditated and love to go over the script and prepare myself mentally. The most important thing is to stay focus. 

You are currently filming a feature film! How excited are you about this project?

I am excited to see it, I already finished my scenes right now it’s in post production but I am not sure yet on release dates. 

Can you spill any details about the feature film? 

I am playing the young version of the lead character, who suffers from memory loss and during his journey of a scientific breakthrough he revisits his past. 

Are there any other acting projects in the works you can tell us about?

During this lockdown time I decided to ask some friends to join me to create an IGTV show call “Quaran-Teen(s)” right now we are looking at 5 episodes. Episode one aired April 24 and the rest will air every Friday on my instagram @jac_the_actor

Also in September the movie Around the Block will premiere at the Atlantic Film Festival which I am super excited about. 

What are your friends and parents thoughts on your career in acting?

My mom supports me 100% she is always up front and center and I am very thankful and grateful for that because without her believing me this wouldn’t have been possible. In all honesty I have some friends that are supportive, some low key hate and I did have friends that became bullies and tried to tear me down when I started my career which obviously they not my friends now. 

What goals have you set out for yourself in your career?

Some goals is making to the big leagues move to LA and be able to use my platform  to expand giving back to charities and my hometown community and of course make sure that with my career my mom is set for life. 

Overall, how has this whole acting career experience been for you so far?

It’s been amazing I have learned so much during this journey, had my ups and downs and I know I have more to go, but the good thing about this is that I started at a young age and now as I am older I already know what to expect. 

What’s your favorite part about being an actor?

My favorite part is being able to take a character and make it your own, to play someone else that you are not is fun. I love to escape and bring them to life, one experience I had that was tough was when I directed my first short film “Away” I had to bring my character to a dark place and cry. Right there I knew I had that ability and also learned how to snap back from it. 

Do you have any advice for anyone trying to make it as an actor?

The best advice I can give is go out there and have fun, don’t spend your time worrying about what others think. Believe in yourself and never give up.  

Do you have any other talents other than acting?

A little secret in low key singing but I haven’t really tired to pursue it because I love acting more. 

Do you have any last things you want to tell your fans?

Thank you for your support in this journey and I hope that I continue creating more projects for you guys to watch. Also I would love if you guys continue supporting me with my Play Live Charity Events for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Go to my YouTube channel and subscribe Jac_the_actor. 

